Two senators have introduced a constitutional amendment that would establish term limits for Supreme Court justices, a long-shot escalation of the congressional effort to overhaul the nation’s highest court amid ethics scandals and sinking public approval.
In 4 years a President gets 2 appointments.
I would trust the non-corrupt justices for 18 years.
I think after four years, people should have a voice on rather to retain Supremes then one more term and out.
Figure in the Christmas recess and it’s pretty darn impossible !
I don't have the answers, I'm just an ordinary guy in Europe. But I do have this beautiful pic of her..
"They" = DNC & anyone else who made the decision it was Hillary's "turn" in 2016!
SCOTUS gave Immunity to office of the President. Trump was out of office when SCOTUS made this ruling. Biden is current president. SCOTUS only intended to advance Trump's future goal of Imperial Presidency BUT they gave it to the Presidency: Biden must use it to remove MAGA SCOTUS Justices.
SCOTUS clearly ruled that whatever President does is Constitutional.
If they don't follow order of President they should be removed and replaced by someone who will. Isn't that what a President Trump will also do. It will be difficult times sorting out the traitors like Civil War Era.
It’s blanket immunity decided by the Supreme Court.
SCOTUS gave Immunity to office of the President. Trump was out of office when SCOTUS made this ruling. Biden is current president. SCOTUS only intended to advance Trump's future goal of Imperial Presidency BUT they gave it to the Presidency: Biden must use it to remove MAGA SCOTUS Justices.
* Expand the Court
* Enable a strict, enforceable Code of Ethics
* Age limits
* Rotate in Justices from lower Courts on a fair, regular basis
* Require detailed financial disclosures and tax returns
* Limit the SCOPE of the Court
> Elections have consequences!
- Dunno abt age limits, but forced retirement when it's clear of any permanent decline imo
- Judges rotating positions would be great (anti judge shop)
- If you limit the scope of SC in some ways, what if the pres. or congress abuses power in those ways?
* There is no higher Court to OVERRULE them
* There is no enforceable ethics code to BIND them
* They have LIFETIME appointments
> SCOTUS reform NOW!!
Congress passing a law such that SCOTUS comprises a judge from each circuit court, drawn at random and in rolling fashion for a finite term, is the better option.
now the pocket change of a demented blue chew billionaire
Senate & House switchboard 202-224-3121
You can contact them easily by phone & or email & leave your thoughts
Democracy schmemocracy.
I am glad that he is gone, however sad that WV seat went to the GOP.
If anything, finagling amendments to condition lifelong servitude may have better luck with Congress. If similar amendments already exist, amending the amendments is a fair shot.
No one on the Court has been there as long as McConnell, Pelosi, & Schumer have been in Congress.
I'd say Republicans are getting obvious, but it's been that way since around 1992.
Let conservatives vote against this, even as they promote distrust in government. Let their constituents see the inconsistencies and the hypocrisy.
on both sides. Ironically Manchin is one. I think some fight it but when you’re in for 20+ years u start voting for your donors & not always the citizens u swore to represent.
Yeh, the court is supposed to be completely unbiased, therefor biased voters should not be near the process at all.
Maybe a lottery would restore confidence in the system.
My job is to cut Trump off at the knees until 2026.
It will be another example of playing by two sets of rules.
Rs will expand the court without a second thought. When your party isn’t interested in governing only power, these behaviors will be the outcome.
We should build on that, online. Don't criticize for voting Trump. Reach.
Are term limits a good idea? Hell yes!
"Judicial Independence" did not last decades when the founders thought this was a good idea and their notion that SCOTUS would remain an apolitical court was, in retrospect, naive.
Instead of a last minute Bill that those GOP fuckers are never going to pass.
He did his job when it mattered…knowing now he was going to get bullied out he shouldn’t given a bigger fuck you to MAGA but he still owes the people a voice.
I disagree with those people, tho…
the organization of the supreme court is set by congress.
Make Biden #DeclassifyTrump, so we can force the Congress to #ImpeachTrumpNow.
An amendment may be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, or, if two-thirds of the States request one, by a convention called for that purpose. The amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures.
Somebody call Satan to make sure he's OK. Hell may have frozen over.
End insider trading
Enforce conflict of interest regulations
It would be cool to see less corruption rather than more each year