The most effective resistance right now will be applying pressure to Republicans in Congress and pursuing remedies in the courts. The latter will often be led by states and orgs, not the minority party in Congress, which has among other things questionable standing in an inter-branch federal lawsuit
The dems should be tying him to that Trump move right now and build some anger
Btw here’s a useful guide:
Is that unfair? Probably. But this response is demoralizing.
I am more concerned with the practical effort to defeat Gabbard or RFK Jr. then “what you want to hear” as are, I assume, Democratic Senators
For those asking what you can do, effective remedies are 1) courts 2) pressuring Republicans and 3) elections. If you are looking to do something, that's where to look.
Will post later re fervency vs strategy, but a key re "pressuring Republicans".
"Pressure" implies we can PUSH 'em into line. While there's still time, best hope is to PULL a few R's (in either body) into alignment. Tractor beams, not photon torpedoes. Courtship, not combat.
One is the strategy I call "going to the place," eg when we went to airports or detention centers in 17-18. I'm here for it, but OPM for example presents unique challenges:
Meet the others in your community. Feed the homeless. Impede the cops and ICE. Buy a gun. Practice with it. Read:
And I think there might be just enough adults left to do it. Their key constituencies are *pissed* right now.
actually, voting for people like duffy is not at all reasonable, and I don’t see reps coming around. you’re behaving like charlie brown trying to play ball with lucy.
We want to see Dems fight and resist and not save Republicans from themselves.
Trump even being President shows how effective just delaying can be.
I will say however, I do believe it’s a lot less D v R and more American People (mostly left/center ATM) v the Oligarchy. That’s what we want to see fire under folks for. But what do I know…
telling stories without massive protest and public turnout is not gonna do it...
That's honestly a core tenet of movements, having a mass mobilized wing and a political wing. I think we need an apparatus for the former.
Senate Ds have hesitated to do that
Courtesy and cooling saucers aren’t all bad, as you convey
Senate Ds need not be rude or vicious
Just clearer
That's not effective, it's undermining.