Sie antwortete, dass Sie anscheinend nicht schlau genug sind, um einen Witz in irgendeiner Sprache zu verstehen. Anscheinend sind Sie auch nicht schlau genug, um Google Translate zu verwenden
I'm french born and as a kid I remember how much trouble I had with it. If you don't already have one you should purchase a Bescherelle on conjugaison. It has all the tenses in a lot of verbs, even french speakers use it from time to time.
Bon courage!
That's me in Spanish. I can communicate pretty well, but my tenses are I go yesterday, I go today, I go tomorrow. And let's tiptoe gently past the subjunctive.
Hey, I’m glad to know that you are learning French. I’m considering French or German as my second foreign language. Do you think French would be a better choice?
Sprech Deutsch mit mir oder es wird Schlecht gehen.
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That’s pretty fucking heavy.
I’m impressed.
Well done.
Bon courage!
Mais sois resolu! Tu vas reussir!
Hope you like it :-)
Subjonctif who?!!
Or I smell you, it’s kinda tricky to translate that one from French… XD
Keep it up, though, I believe in you 👍