Not even stuffing with gravy on top? On my plate, turkey and green bean casserole have the same billing. Potatoes, stuffing, corn. Cranberries and yams on the perimeter
Modified from my stepmother. Cornbread, a mix of andouille and Italian sausage, Italian peppers, onion and some celery, fresh thyme and sage. Texture should be more crumbly not gloppy. Also, go Sagehens! ('90)
“Crumbly not gloppy” is absolutely the secret to perfect Thanksgiving dressing. I don’t remember why I initially followed you, but this alone is follow-worthy.
I’m sorry, but the Senator is right. Stuffing is not great but a good dressing is sublime - especially when made with sourdough and plenty of butter. No need for a bird.
I started out liking this comment for its defense of turkey...but then I got to the stuffing part and you lost me. A simple NORMAL sage bread stuffing is a thing of genius - so long as people don't mess it up with nuts and oysters and "creativity".
I feel embarrassed for both of you. This is the most anti American conversation and I am worried for both your eternal souls. May you find your way back into the light
I was tempted to say vegetable casseroles, because yuck, but I felt they never really reached overly highly rated status to begin with—for the same reasons we don’t like them! 😄
Must have lived a sheltered life as I had never had that until well into adulthood. I concur with your assessment here and realized that I hadn't missed much back then.
Were they British? It's similar to a mushy onion-breadcrumb "sauce" my husband convinced me to make on our first Thanksgiving. That gave rise to my rule of no British recipes for holidays, except Yorkshire pudding if we have beef.
I wish. 😄 These are dishes that mostly older Boomers like. I'm a younger Boomer but I never ate them. I suspect that it's nostalgia for things they had at Thanksgiving when they were kids.
Although I miss watching my mom cut up enough bread for our family army while I watched A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and pretended to be dusting the furniture.
Come here and have some of my Italian sausage with chestnuts stuffing, which is the highlight of our year here. And the bread is homemade French loaves, cubed and dried.
The problem with stuffing is you have to cook it inside a turkey for it to be any good. But then you have turkey and, like the senator said, who wants that?
A heritage turkey done correctly is incomparably better than your Butterball Genetically Engineered Frankenstein Turkey.
Turkey & stuffing are both overrated.
I can only do that with things I've made a gazillion times. Lol
I'll look one up, thx for the combo idea though. 😊
I'm with the senator on this one, turkey is so overrated.
Although I miss watching my mom cut up enough bread for our family army while I watched A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and pretended to be dusting the furniture.
And by that metric, stuffing "wins" every time. Bad stuffing is BAD.