The top 0.1% pay about 20% of all all federal income. Of 440 billion dollars at year. Without the top 0.1% and no cuts to government programs the US debt would be 4 trillion dollars higher over the decade.
For the US to fund the government the working class need billionaires.
The he funny thing is the existence of billionaires and advocating for stealing their money is here whole persona. Without billionaires she would still be giving out blowjobs and sex on the beach
The 35th Legislative District seat is vacant due to the death of former State House Representative Matthew Gergely.
Pass it on so it reaches more voters please.
Ladies and Gentlemen, have a nomination for “post of the night “ !! Bravo, I salute you madam 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👍🏾 ( Educational/Truth Real 💩 + ask Elon about how WE can take billionaires out !! categories)
Actually, she got it wrong. The working class does need billionaires so they can pay taxes. They're better off alive with a 84% marginal tax rate like 1960's after JFK'S tax cuts. If you just exterminate them they won't give you their treasure maps and no Medicare for all.
This slimy asshat is committing crime, yet again!
He knows these judges are our last line of defense, so he's using his power and money to rig another election. Please mobilize and spread awareness!
Wisconsin, let's vote and support Judge Crawford!
Not quite. That sounds like some communist slogan. But it should mean there ought to be no political donations (aka bribes) that buy politicians and democrats just like Republicans are part of it.
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I know Senator Sanders said he and AOC weren’t running for anything on their Town Hall Tour, but seriously, Both should consider it. Just my opinion though!
AOC, the time is now. The country needs bold, fearless leadership, and you are the future. I urge you—run for President. Millions are ready to fight for you, for justice, for the people. We’re done with corporate rule. Let’s make history together!
The fact that uber wealthy individuals have the capacity to buy our country is Our Fault. We stopped enforcing antitrust laws. We allowed unlimited "free speech" aka money to flow into the political process. It's a pretty straight line from $$ to control. Tax the rich. Or eat them. Or both.
THIS. This is the only way out now. No politicians, no platitudes, no media theatre. Just WE THE PEOPLE. Every single person who wants to survive this has to walk out of their job together. A general strike. Stop working.
Or war.
Everybody has to choose soon. Fascists are fortifying.
Trump: twice impeached, convicted felon, and found liable for sexual assault. His power comes from spineless, self-serving Republican enablers. Next election, choose leaders who work for the people. #VoteWisely
The problem is the working class are plumbers, electricians, hvac, etc. They don’t think she’s right. She represents the student loan forgiveness class.
The Dems have been terrible at messaging, mainly because this type of rhetoric only comes from the most leftist members of the party.
The majority of rich centrist cowards in the Democratic caucus don’t talk this way. They spread right wing economic rhetoric with left wing social rhetoric.
We need a Blue Hat movement… the GOP symbol for the last 8 years has been the red trucker hats. The blue hats can be our rallying cry for the next 3 years. Let’s Make America Care Again MACA
A trans community member was arrested and placed in a men's facility solely due to her name change on her identification. Envision the possibilities if she were able to secure even a fraction of this level of visibility it could allow her to afford the bond.
incomplete, billionaires and democracy are impossible to coexist, they will always buy, corrupt it all. billionaires in a sane society should not be permitted to exist. CAP WEALTH
Les milliardaires se sont fait sur le dos de ceux qui les ont aidez et servis !
Sans employés, ouvriers ou sous traitants, il ne sont qu'une minorités de profiteurs et ils seraient temps qu'ils se mettent à payez leurs juste impositions au lieu de fraudes,optimisation et évasion fiscal !
As far as I am concerned, AOC is the leader of the Democratic party. Chuck Schumer gets zero respect from me. From the second Hakeem Jeffries told the dems to be polite at the State of the Union address, to that damn vote, democrats have acted like tail tucked cowards. And cowards they are.
They're trying to automate everything with AI so they don't need the working class. Just billionaires selling to billionaires while the rest of the world burns.
2,781 Billionaires is approx 0.00339% of 8.2 Billion Global Population. With a combined wealth of over $14.2 trillion representing roughly 60% of the lowest earning individuals.
More voter support for any party&movement than ANY 3rd party since 1936 More votes than Bernie sanders or AOC will. People much more patient than I am needs plant seeds in potential MLS. Between decades of lib BS for decades. Bernie made sure I became an intolerant leftist
I would actually push back on this and say the billionaire class don’t need us at all. They are so rich. We’re just meat sacks to clothe, feed and care for. A population just mucking up their beachfront property views.
PM Carney's says in his book, "Value(s)" If we are prosper, we must create a market that serves humanity rather than the unfair situation we have now that humanity serves the market. I saw just today how messing up a tesla is punished more severely than a rapist who messes up a real woman's life.
It's a powerful statement. But the truth probably lies somewhere in between. It's the balance that has been skewed. There is always a need for entrepreneurs who make money from the risks they take. They create jobs. The problem lies with the tax system which benefits them.
These refugees came here and got legal status to stay. They are being targeted as scapegoats for an ignorant anti-immigration policy. Do not tolerate this!
Please join Rabbi Rothschild’s World Peace Discord: Rabbi=Truman Show YouTube Live 24/7/365 3+ years. We dare you: type #ViralRabbi in any social media search. Data=Earth’s #1 resource. Rabbi=most data ever. Share to be a trillionaire! #RabbiRothschild
There is a term fallen into disuse, It's called a Conglomerate, which are companies thru loopholes create a trust where they determine the prices of the same product. Be it FOOD,GAS OR SHELTER.. There is an Antitrust law on the Books which Also prevents the POTUS from Promoting Private companies
For the US to fund the government the working class need billionaires.
The 35th Legislative District seat is vacant due to the death of former State House Representative Matthew Gergely.
Pass it on so it reaches more voters please.
Free download
Okay oligarchy shill
He knows these judges are our last line of defense, so he's using his power and money to rig another election. Please mobilize and spread awareness!
Wisconsin, let's vote and support Judge Crawford!
They're a drain on the economy and fiscal responsibility of the government itself.
Or war.
Everybody has to choose soon. Fascists are fortifying.
The majority of rich centrist cowards in the Democratic caucus don’t talk this way. They spread right wing economic rhetoric with left wing social rhetoric.
P.S. Adore AOC!!
One billion seconds = 31 years
Sans employés, ouvriers ou sous traitants, il ne sont qu'une minorités de profiteurs et ils seraient temps qu'ils se mettent à payez leurs juste impositions au lieu de fraudes,optimisation et évasion fiscal !
You and me.
The people that actually spend money and buy shit. Everyday.
Speaking of, ammo is on sale…
American Gothic Tesla Version #TeslaTakedown #CatsEatNazis4Snacks
The elites, when stripped of their money, lack any skills to win the fight.
2,781 people earn as much as 4,920,000,000
There is 1,769,147 of us to each one of them
(28,420 worth $100 million+)
Blessings. Stay Safe! 💗🙏🕊
More voter support for any party&movement than ANY 3rd party since 1936 More votes than Bernie sanders or AOC will. People much more patient than I am needs plant seeds in potential MLS. Between decades of lib BS for decades. Bernie made sure I became an intolerant leftist
Memorial Day Million Man March
depriving them of our labor is a little more tricky.
we could build 💙blue💙 businesses, hire💙, shop💙.
to deprive them of 💙labor, we will need to create 💙opportunities.💙😁
i💙 to create a #LibWorld
We can #resist.