The elected Democrats talking about finding "common ground" with the world's richest man who bought a presidency to make himself even richer really might as well just switch parties at this point and make it official.
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Well I wonder if it isn’t a bit of a stalking horse thing: oh yes, we hate waste fraud and abuse too! Look at these billions of dollars the govt is using to subsidize SpaceX! Oh. You want to cut social security? Huh!
In cities where Dems are 90% the strategy has always been to claim Dem but to act as anything but. 2nd half of 20th that was reality in Philly, Balto., Boston. Even still is in NYC with Adams. Surprising Trump didn’t elevate him.
And most Democrats would have no problems w it other than the math. I doubt Ro Khanna has even three friends in the Dem caucus. And I’ll bet most House Dems think Moskowitz is a glib grandstander.
The only acceptable Dem response to Musk and his giddy billionaires mucking about with our federal government money is, "We must do everything possible to stop this heist in broad daylight." And if they are genuinely powerless to stop it, at least yell until they're hoarse that it's happening.
Ultimately, given the constituencies who depend on the labor, I think the freaks who want to see 10 million people rounded up will be disappointed, but the missing money will make the Covid corruption look quaint.
Yes. We won’t see mass deportations, because businesses need the labor. We won’t see significant tariffs because those would depress the economy. We will see a LOT of corruption, chaos and harassment of vulnerable groups.
This. It's going to be a massive massive grift, which at the end of the day really is Trump's only guiding star. (And without the defense of the COVID corruption; that money had to be gotten out as fast as possible, inevitable consequences of poor vetting to be handled after the economy was saved.)
Or, just revive the NPR which by many accounts worked well. Or, just spitballing here, enhance the GAO to do these things permanently in addition to, umm, the same things they do already, which is similar to DOGE.
So far all I see is a lot of talk and no action. All these people and organizations who are paralyzed with fear, yes fear are playing right into the hands of these thugs.
I haven't seen any speech.
I've seen lame, soft, loser talk about finding a path forward by working with the incoming potus who a month ago they were saying was a fascist.
The elected Democrats have plenty in common with Musk because the Democrat party has been corporatist since Bill Clinton. Best healthcare and retirement come from working in a large American company. It's as close to socialism as we're going to get.
we elected 47 senators who have no regard for us. none of them speak. i feel like a fool.
we need a daily person to suck up oxygen the way their guy does. i don’t know who. but we need camera time. someone who leads an internal “government in exile” and calls them out. every. damn. day.
From what I have seen over years Ro Khanna is one of the few people in either party who consistently calls for significant cuts in defense (war and war machine) spending. I think this is a good thing and something we desperately need.
The problem he has zero influence with this admin and his endorsement of DOGE simply means medicare and social security and veterans benefits are now hung around his neck. Play stupid games to get in the spotlight, win stupid prizes.
I doubt Trump, Musk, and the oligarchy will really cut defense spending (other than to screw veterans) but I think it is great that Khanna is trying to inject that into the discussion.
Defense spending will not be cut. They want to direct defense department money toward their favorite tech bro contractors. drone makers, weaponized combat AI shit from silicon valley. Not the companies who make the tanks and the ships and the planes.
Many of them do. I agree. I don’t think Khanna is one of them. Haven’t seen any indication of that from him. I am open to being corrected if people have seen that from him
Fourteen of his cabinet appointments are billionaires. This isn't even pretending to be a democracy. How do they even pretend to understand what the average person is coping with or what their concerns are?
Every GOP/ trumpist act needs to be officially opposed. We don't work with them. We don't normalize them. We point at them and we ridicule them, and we stop them, for the good of our country.
The only choice you have of ever getting a democracy back is for everyone who isn't a lover of the Trump ensemble to band together and fight hard. Not shitting all over the only party that has a chance to win it back.
1) they had their chance but roll over all the time and don’t know how to even play a game w new rules. w russian bomb threats, reps not passing the safe act for election security (why?), and voting systems compromised in past elections, they didn’t even bother to seek recounts in swing states..
I couldn't agree more about the recounts. They should be pulling out every stop possible to prevent the transfer of power, instead they seem to be proud of so politely acquiescing. Things are going to get so bad, the criminals will be in charge. It is horrifying.
it’s horrifying and unexcusable! to stay above the fray, dems handed our democracy over! we’re not insurrectionists. but to not have recounts in swing states, with all that we know, is insulting! if recounts had verified the results then so be it but we’ll never know will we. hence my decision!
2) to do so is NOT anti democratic but necessary in the times we are living. it’s unforgivable they didn’t do so. and don’t even get me started on dems today as i post..where’s leadership? there’s zero! many/most acting as tho this is all normal. fetter man saying trump should be pardoned.
joke or not. we got dems..saying they’d like to work w doge but no messaging on the fact that it’s being ran by oligarchs, chris murphy saying that people don’t want govt hand outs & including aca subsidies in that category, co governor saying rfk is ok, biden all smiles w trump. give me a break.
3) And we got schumer again - oh goodie! Dems may not be able to get their “shit” together until they realize how pissed off people like me are at them. So excuse me if I do go right a long w the status quo and do you.
i’ve never voted republican once but the dems have lost my affiliation, until they get their shit together. i wasn’t just a voter either - i gave money and time. but i’m just one small little peanut in their circus bag. it’ll matter zero.
Why reinvent government wheels?
I just can’t with these old school Dems anymore.
I've seen lame, soft, loser talk about finding a path forward by working with the incoming potus who a month ago they were saying was a fascist.
They're too soft. Too soft, too weak.
we need a daily person to suck up oxygen the way their guy does. i don’t know who. but we need camera time. someone who leads an internal “government in exile” and calls them out. every. damn. day.
They need to move aside while the brave ones take on the real culprits looting America