He is a form of Saviour to the US less wealthy people being oppressed by Health Insurance companies. The US voters could have embraced more peaceful health reform, but it was done in the only way they know how to express their feelings....a shoot 'em up
He started the conversation, opened Pandoras box. I'm not religious like a lot of Maga, but Jesus was killed for being the saviour in the story telling. LM only goes to prison.
There is a big issue in the US over healthcare but murder is not the way to go about it. Also was it debated in the US election? The people who voted for Trump look like the people most likely discriminated by the unacceptable healthcare system but they chose someone who epitomises that very system.
It gets vetoed because the health insurance industries lobby against it. Ending Citizens United (unlikely) or taking money out of politics (even more unlikely) would be great starts, but there doesn't seem to be a way out of it that involves playing nice within the system.
So, if I resented you and your particular line of work, I'd be justified inbshooting you?
(Before anyone gets their panties in a wad, I'm talking hypothetically)
It'd be immoral to choose the guy setting up the trolley problem instead of every other person on the other side of the trolley problem. Hundreds of people are getting their healthcare, not only has Brian Thompson been brought to justice, it's actually saved people
Well if I caused 75k people to die a year merely cause I wanted to you would, it's about the strength of the justifications, if you had to kill Hitler to end the Holocaust it's completely justified, even if it didn't do that much it'd still scare the next guy into not being as brutal
This popular kicking out about health costs and the denial of treatment, or payment for treatment is interesting. I wonder what proportion of the protesters voted for Trump, who attacked Obama’s modest attempt to improve the system?
It’s bizarre when a brutal execution of a rich powerful man is being celebrated as the best form of protest against the system. I suppose it’s safer than going on mass protest or on general strike. Which they could.
Also, it's WORKING, some insurance places on the day approved of all the claims made cause of the assassination, it actually got people their insurance, all those people are now receiving the healthcare they needed, that's amazing!! Like, scaring them actually did something
The system -- ANY system -- is only as good or as evil as the people running it.
The system doesn't HAVE to be destructive and exploitative; it wasn't designed that way. It is the way it is because the men in charge use it that way.
Brian Thompson was one of those men. Bastard had it coming.
I’m not going to knock someone who has thrown their life away because they realised democracy, America style, is in danger of dooming mankind to a future of financial enslavement to the most evil people alive - those who profit from death
It is not our job to judge, that should be done by judges and juries. If you open the floodgates of vigilantism, you can be sure that the oligarchs would be happy to use it. Imagine January 6th, only everyone had been armed.
Did you miss the bit where rich Americans were tried and convicted by courts and juries and not one of them, not a single one, has suffered as a result?
There’s an old saying about fooling the people
In every rotten society there comes a time when the people take justice into their own hands
This is actually how the real Nazis came to power. First they claimed that the Jews and their money were behind all evil, and then they had people kill them. It's the same script, only this time the baddies can use social media to tag their victims.
Go to the ant, O sluggard, Observe her ways and be wise, Which, having no chief, Officer or ruler, Prepares her food in the summer And gathers her provision in the harvest.
You mean pizzeria correct?
Frickin' love this guy
(Before anyone gets their panties in a wad, I'm talking hypothetically)
It'd be quicker to just flush your money down the toilet.
You're thinking of Harriet Tubman. She killed ALOT of people, all of whom had it coming.
Rosa Parks showed genuine, peaceful courage.
Violence is a last ditch effort. And babe, we're in the last ditch.
Today: people love a weird guy who preaches hate and kills another because of health insurance.
way to bury the lede there
Hell his so-called manifesto was basically:
The system doesn't HAVE to be destructive and exploitative; it wasn't designed that way. It is the way it is because the men in charge use it that way.
Brian Thompson was one of those men. Bastard had it coming.
I’m not going to knock someone who has thrown their life away because they realised democracy, America style, is in danger of dooming mankind to a future of financial enslavement to the most evil people alive - those who profit from death
There’s an old saying about fooling the people
In every rotten society there comes a time when the people take justice into their own hands
Hitler deposed the aristocratic families and put thugs in their place
This is literally the opposite - the elite gaslighting the public against the elite and pulling up the drawbridge
Democracy is lost: all that’s left is to fight
Not that I condone it... but I shed no tears for the victim.
Winter may be on the way.