It's in Karina Gonzalez and her daughter Daniela's memories that I sign Karina's Law today.
A step in the right direction toward protecting survivors of domestic violence and giving them the comfort of knowing their abuser will not have easy access to firearms.
A step in the right direction toward protecting survivors of domestic violence and giving them the comfort of knowing their abuser will not have easy access to firearms.
1. Ban and return for payment of any automatic or semiautomatic weapons capable of firing more than 5 rounds at a time.
2. Ban on the sale of any weapons from now on until after a study has been completed that involves fair representation of gun owner
The major flaw of your plan would be the hillarity of turning in your 5 round semiautomatic 9mm but keeping your 8 round 9mm s&w 929 revolver is like totally cool man.
Show'em how they do it in Chicago!
Imagine now that half of this country thinks this is some sort of radical 2nd amendment suppression. Because they do 🔵
Us survivors thank you!
Maybe it was just a photo op
I’m just a Cat
Whadu I know
How will you protect our freedoms on IL interstates?
How will you free us from Corporate strangleholds on Union/Workers Rights?
Will the education of our children be negatively affected by MAGA Policies in IL?
Will your party aid in community action?
As a survivor of DV in another state, this means so much!!
Not by taking away options.
Protections like this could have saved her.
Thank you.