man when NATE SILVER gets it and you don't, holy shit
Reposted from
Colin Dickey
Heartbreaking, the worst person you know etc. etc.
My next question is what do they have on Chuck Schumer?
This is a good cause and reason to shut down the government.
Worst of both worlds
I know what I'd prefer, but a single communist in nowhere kentucky is not a party.
If Trump really wants a shutdown (he does not), he can just order any number of Republicans to vote against Cloture & the CR. Schumer's "strategy" makes no sense.
You make me feel heard
I love you guys
This vote is a Permission Slip.
Do you want to give your permission to an authoritarian, Chuck?
We have to replace every single incumbent Democrat
Vote New no matter who
Vote against all incumbents in the primary and general
Things won't get better till they are gone
(hoping is maybe too strong a word)
I support this
And, yes, those are both things he says he uses.
An absolutely cursed timeline.
Yeah this is what gets the guillotines outta storage, isn’t it?