ok but if none of those dumb motherfuckers had ever gotten close to power maybe we wouldn't need a 400 page report or a donation fund because the program wouldn't have been cut off by some EA prick who thought PEPFAR might interfere with birthing Robot Jesus
distributing malaria vaccines, reducing caged chickens, and donating money to make up the shortfall from PEPFAR cuts
Any ethical framework taken to its extreme leads to fuckery.
But utilitarianism, by reducing everything to points and calculations, dehumanises in such a way that it makes it real easy to screw people in the name of “ethics”
*real* space futurist weirdos are obsessed with colonizing the L5 Lagrange point.
not our fault you guys didn't reign in the horrible monsters using that term as a fig leaf
SBF was an EA and did enormous harm. Denying this would be a lie.
The evidence for Luke being an EA is a tweet and mention on a forum post (and people here just calling one without actually caring about the truthfulness of that claim).
One of the core EA tenets is impartiality, that random factors like nationality or kinship do not determine moral worth. You can't really be one if you aren't impartial.
effective altruism, the broader movement, bleeds directly into dark enlightenment fascism
i am well aware that everyone in the former thinks they are blameless for the latter, but that isn't true
Ob the community rejected him, but SBF was a case that highlighted weaknesses of our community's norms. EA ideas and certain influential higher ups were at least somewhat responsible.
But with the doge kids, the evidence is super flimsy and people are just looking for a scapegoat.
do you expect random people to have a deep knowledge with a spiderweb of ambiguously named charity and nonprofit entities?
I don't expect people to know intricate details, but I *hope* that people don't outright believe random claims or pattern-match random claims that match with their pre-existing beliefs.