With both Tulsi Gabbard and John Ratcliffe repeatedly claiming in this Senate hearing today that "no classified information" was shared in the Signal group chat, Jeffrey Goldberg is now saying he's considering releasing that information he received.
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The Republican Party and Trump had to lie full time to American citizens to win. They lied all through the Trump campaign. They lie in every interview. They are not in an honest relationship with American citizens. This is not a valid "win". Their power is based on defrauding American citizens.
Goldberg did the right thing by NOT releasing the careless actions of that “chat”.
I can see him reconsidering but I see him as correct as all the others are master bull shitters
They'll prosecute...they'll make an example out of him as a warning to any resistors...they're chomping at the bit to try to take down a major journalism figure...this is what you Reich Wing motherfuckers voted for...🤬🤬🤬
I’ve never been a big fan of Goldberg but kudos to him for speaking out, not waiting for a book deal, and being willing to go further out on the limb to not let them get away with lying about it.
I'm not sure I'd characterize his comments to Tim Miller that way. When Tim asked the question, he certainly appeared to actually pause to think about it, but my recollection of what he said is basically that he's advising with his colleagues and other advisors on how to proceed.
Some people lose their keys. Some people accidentally reply-all on an office email. And then there’s Pete Hegseth, who, in what may go down as the most spectacular military blunder since someone thought a land war in Afghanistan was a good idea. https://aiwillybillhuman.substack.com/p/pete-hegseths-signal-chat-disaster
Quick question, not even concerning giving out detailed information about an impending missile strike, but also information on the unsecured chat where 1 wasn't even in the US when it took place :
How is outing an undercover CIA agent not classified?
That’s what they want you to think. Both the signal chat conversation is wrong and the suggestion it doesn’t contain classified material is wrong. Saying it doesn’t, doesn’t make it true.
He should not do it. Republicans would love nothing more than to point to him and say he revealed classified information in order to sidestep the damage they did. And he would be prosecuted and jailed.
On the one hand, releasing it would get him attention and praise for being the only one in corporate media to stand up to Trump. On the other hand, releasing it would be a betrayal of corporate media's sacred duty to protect Trump.
Tough call!
Surely he can't release the name of an operator in the field? Everyone already knows these heads of Depts are lying. I have a lot of sympathy for Goldberg but he's in an impossible position.
I hope he does. Not because I want top secret military plans to be divulged, but simply to let these horrible people know how horrible they are and the world to have it thrown in their faces.
Exactly, as Witkoff was running around Moscow using a non-safe phone... It's been shared with Russia already - without any legal problems for the sharers and if it's no breach of law, publish and be damned - Trump! @thedemcoalition.bsky.social @joncooper-us.bsky.social @teapainusa.bsky.social
Release it! It is your journalistic duty to publish the facts and to show the world that these are not people who should hold any sort of responsibility within government. Simply redact any information around assets in place that would be put in danger.
Well, technically, since the principals disclosed it to a non vetted person in a forum where it was not said that it is classified, it can be argued that all that info is not classified any longer.
I'd strongly advise him not to - with the whimsical and highly erratic leadership (if you can tag it this way) what is not secret at all NOW might be highly classified and TOP secret just AFTER publication.
And so he should. If it's not classified as they say then no harm no foul! TG was weaving & bobbing like Mohamed Ali in evading answering the questions. They're all so FKN transparent in their lies!
The House & Senate Democrats need to request to request Jeffrey Goldberg to show all the Text he got from The Liar Racist Felon Criminal Trump Nazis Administration today expose how Liars, Unqualified, Incompetend & Dangerous are GOP & Trump's Administration to our US Troops, USA and the World!
It doesn't matter whether shared information is classified or not. All that matters is that members of the government were utilising Signal that is not approved for government business. SignalGate is a very serious breach of proper federal procedures. This should have consequences.
The problem is that the government could still prosecute him disclosing even unclassified national defense information. Even accepting the lie that the information isn’t classified, it could still be the basis for a criminal prosecution.
The congressional committee needs to go into closed session and subpoena him immediately. But the GOP is corrupted so it likely won’t happen unless a member votes against party directives.
Don't know about uncle Putin's pr*ck - but bet his was really hard, with Witkoff running around Moscow using a non-secure phone and plans uploaded by Hesketh back in the USA etc.
I'm no fan of Jeffrey Goldberg, but this is a risk he needs to carefully consider. These mooks could turn around on him and have him arrested for publishing classified info.
Yes please, in the @theatlantic.com as a running series for if no classified information was shared, nor any uploaded to phones, heck! Share! #Signalgate
Wouldn’t attacking him for releasing what they have stated under oath is not classified material only expose them as the incompetents they are? If they don’t know the difference between what is classified and what is not, then we are in very deep trouble.
The Jewish part of me hopes the same thing. It desperately wants people seeking to do what's right for the sake of it being right. The American part of me understands that's not a thing here for 99% of the population.
If "Group A" is authorized to make decisions on national security matters and...DOES NOT refer, look at, and speak classified information, then why the Hell have they been given authorization?
I certainly hope he does. This needs to be out in the open - regardless of national security interests. We’re beyond that at this point. But this needs to be totally exposed so everyone is aware of the inept negligence by members in these positions under Trump.
We the people cannot take much more of this BULLSHIT every day from a completely openly corrupt to the core now throughout ALL agencies, installed by the convicted FELON in the WH!
This isn't a choice of "if".
The only choices are "to whom, how, & when" w/in applicable legal constraints
HE isn't an idiot!
I can see him reconsidering but I see him as correct as all the others are master bull shitters
but I think the senate is the same rules as
international waters
Can't be both.
Prove they are liars.
Prove they are reckless.
Prove they are careless with the national security of America.
Call their bluff!
Patel and Co. would not commit to Goldberg being safe from prosecution.
How is outing an undercover CIA agent not classified?
They can't do shit without admitting they lied to Congress.
Tough call!
Or shit give it to anonymous.
Let's go.
It is the patriotic thing to do!
1. Treason
2. Seditious Conspiracy
3. Espionage
Please do it.
It’s already been released by those idiots through signal.
But the same people also claim under oath BEFORE THAT, there was no classified information.
Classic Тяцмр doublespeak
Stop talking about it and just do it. If they claim none of it is classified and he releases it there should be no problem.
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