Tbf, in the essay Rubin states that's not what her definition of centrism includes, but it then raises the question of why she uses that term, with its obvious baggage. It seems she pines for calm in politics, but that's awfully hard when one party is calling for the subjugation of others.
I mean, there's a straightforward way to incentivize policies that actually appeal to majorities, but it would be hard and it challenges established power, soo... 🤷♂️
I know the comic is hyperbole, but I don't think people want to kill black people. The vast majority of Americans want to see black people thrive. We can talk about barriers to that, but straw manning your opposition gets you nowhere. Forgive & build up your enemies - this will give you strength.
"our" means people who benefit from the system, they request "centrism" so that they don't have to comply with worker's rights and equality measures. I think of it kinda like the royal "we". The king says "we" want something, but he really means "I want something"
I've been fighting for abortion for 52 years. Every single time we've tried to compromise, the antis lie and sabotage. I don't think they're ever capable of keeping their word because they believe they are on the moral high ground.
Centrists are the worst. Biden was a great example of that. What sane person brags about being able reach across the aisle and work with segregationists? Fuck centrism.
That's a misrepresentation of being in the center. Being in the center means you tell the extremes on both sides to blank the blank off then you work on common sense solutions. Compromise is how democracies have been run since the ancient greeks.All or none mindset is how democracies fall.
I think there’s also a contextual component, based on where and when you are. In today’s France or the UK, eg, centrist would be advocates of mixed economies, some progressive policy, cautious capitalism, etc. But if you’re in the US and your choice is Trump or the Dems, no wonder centrism irks.
I'm listening to our beloved "centrist" French president ATM (i'm a masochist) and I can assure you this is more accurate than any mème as the right to be.
Every election cycle, former republicans tell dems how to govern to please them:
“Oh, no. You can’t be socialist! I need you to be a little over the line to the right. No, further. Just a little further. Little bit more. C’mon, just a teeny bit further to the right. Almost there …”
Look at the bills proposed by Bernie Sanders
Where could I compromise on that?
It all depends on what the two sides are calling for.
In MOST cases, it's good. In the extremes (like this graphic) it's deeply immoral and absurd.
I'm like, "These people want to go to war with people like me," and she goes, "But if you just tried to have an open mind..."
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
“Oh, no. You can’t be socialist! I need you to be a little over the line to the right. No, further. Just a little further. Little bit more. C’mon, just a teeny bit further to the right. Almost there …”
... oh, you won't concede any of your firstborns? ugh, it's like you're not even trying to compromise... 🙄