That's plenty of point. It's not just the number of objects you can see from urban areas, it's getting people to look up, to be curious about the universe around them, to put "faces" to things they have only read or heard about, and demystify and debunk sky-related bunkum.
I should he heralded for my sage wisdom and foresight, as i never installed tiktok, because i knew how deep and unforgiving that ocean would be, and how small and fragile is my dingy.
I have a solution, but it involves adding email, 720Px30 vid, and microblog (with verification, community notes, et al) to the essential services package along with fire and library and school and post office and phone because the public discourse includes here and needs safeguards.)
Have you ever looked at platform decay on academic journals? You might be interested in it. Academic journals are about to turn into a game of whack a mole for reliable info.
It’s certainly true that some people will ignore all evidence because they want to believe. Flat Earthers are a thing after all. But there’s also people who just see light in the sky and wonder what it is. Aliens are highly improbable but not impossible. It’s a very big Universe after all.
A flat earther streamer was taken to Antarctica recently to witness 24 hour sun which disproves flat Earth theories. His followers freaked out and accused him of using a green screen! I wish I was making it up.
I saw that. It's unfortunate that the flat-earth content creators are strictly there to profit off the lie. It doesn't help that there are adversaries that help push the misinformation about flat-earth in the comments to reaffirm the easily manipulated that NASA is out to get you and it's all a lie.
It was like this in Dickens time and most of history. The very short age of humanity being pro science has once again ended. Maybe the next one will come in as little as 200 years next time
Like c'mon guys the Tal'Shiar wouldn't be so sloppy as to let us see their ships. Let's be reasonable, they have Romulan spies from the future posing as republican congresspeople to slow human progress.
Would you like an app that can reply to all of those tags with some sick AI generated responses? We can call it Hanky McHankBot and use your previous posts as a model so it can kind of use your style of writing. API limits might be an issue though. I don't use or know much about tiktok.
Neil Stephenson in his novel “Fall; Dodge in Hell” describes a future where individual people have full time social media managers that keep they feeds clean and also manage their image. Because outside that, the internet is a wild beast of nothing but conspiracy theories and fake content.
And people don’t care anyway! Anytime I’ve made the effort to produce evidence to disprove a stupid argument they’ve said something like ‘I don’t have time to read that’.
The issue is that you engaged with the idiots and they simply refuse to learn *how to figure shit out themselves*, and instead would like a talking head who they perceive as intelligent (actual intelligence is unrelated, hence why you and Fox News are equal in their eyes), explain it to them.
I watched your drones vlogbrother video, and you’d love I WHO HAVE NEVER KNOWN MEN by Jacqueline Harpman. It’s having a booktok revival so you may have heard of it. It’s about human curiosity, knowledge for the sake of knowledge, why do we live instead of just survive, are we alone in the universe.
Don't forget that there are also a few bright stars in the sky (esp Sirius) that can appear to blink between red, white, and blue due to upper atmospheric turbulence, thus appearing like an aircraft.
I haven't had it in ages. Don't miss it. Only annoying part is when people post videos because TikTok doesn't let you view anything at all without an account anymore. They're trying to manipulate people into signing back up.
I would love if hank also realized that his mockery of people legitimately concerned about the drones is just as obtuse as his mockery of those who use "unalived" and other codes to communicate. And yes I know some people are confused and are seeing actual planes. But the over all tone is gross
In regards to hank. He felt the same and then realized he lacks awareness on the need for speaking in code especially for Black and Brown people and the things that effect them.
It's said on certain platforms because if you use the words dead or killed then your post gets suppressed. Especially for activists of Black and Anti genocide and minorities. So you're just going on your feelings and not being informed. Or you know and don't gaf.
First of all I was just saying I didn’t know what he said and secondly I’m aware of why it is used but I don’t like the word, it sounds silly and in most cases disrespectful to the person or people who have died.
I mean, out of context both of those sound like cool things to see, but I suspect it’s because the people filming them think they’re drones and that’s much less cool
Alright Hank, but have you considered that Venus might be some sort of interstellar Iranian mothership? It's been lying in wait an awful long time waiting for the perfect opportunity to hit New Jersey.
Ppl hardly ever look up to look at the sky...
I think it is really sad how few people know how beautiful the night sky is when it isn't full of junk light mainly provided by car dealerships
Just a fever dream reality I lived in for 30 seconds.
Just look at my profile here in Texas. I was born and raised in Great Falls, Montana.
I define myself by how well I hide.
Now I'm a bit sad
If you need help with those, I'm a retired 747 Captain.