People dislike language policing so much, God was like, “do not take my name in vain or you will burn forever!” And we were like “well I wasn’t really planning on it, but since you didn’t want me to…”
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China has a pretty fun way of getting around censorship.
Eg the government blocked the # me2 so people started using a different symbols, mi tù - which means rice bunny or they d use the emotes.
Or the word censorship it self turned into hé xié - harmony, then into hé xiè - rivercrab.
So I conclude censorships dont really work well its just a keeping up of the government. If you are scared of what people say about you and your doing so you censor them, it mainly shows you are scared. Reducing harmful language is good imo, cause noone liked mean beans.
Well his name is very common word, so no worries (Exodus 34:14)
"For thou shalt worship no other god: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God"
I taught an especially thoughtful group of 9th grade honors students one year. A girl asked - do other religions use their god’s name as a curse word, like Christians do?
That’s kind of because he had a bad rep at this point already, from that stupid “You can do whatever you want, but about that apple tree…” game. From then on, people saw such instructions more as a dare. “Kids, if you don’t stop THIS INSTANT, I’m TURNING THE CAR AROUND!”
When i was in the navy we went to a port and they told us not to go to a certain bar. By the time we got to that bar half the ship was there including officers lmao.
"Jesus Christ!" was used as a curse so often in my childhood that I was legitimately shocked when the parish priest repeatedly tried to trick me into saying it during Sunday mass .
In Exodus 20:26, (exodus is where the name in vain bit comes from), they also say that anyone who goes into a church that has steps will instantly have all their clothes removed. Seriously.
And yet if you force people to get their kit off because god said they just call the police on you. Again.
the most telling rule is that you can burn forever for daring to wonder if god is even real. Powerful dissuader for anyone considering not being a cult member.
Not religious, but I was under the understanding that this commandment wasn't about something as petty as using the name to curse. It was more about using God's name to promote your own ideology, to speak for God.
I don't think God minds that much when people say "OMG" or "JFC", but I think He does mind when people, say, call themselves *Christ*ians and then use that to justify mistreatment or hatred of others.
Taking god’s name in vain has nothing to do with saying his name aloud, it’s about invoking his name to justify doing evil things. Jesus Christ this post misses the everything
Explaining is helpful/nice to know/what-have-you but doesn't really impact the post with it basically being a longer-worded form of "god is the og language police lol /j"
I know this is just a joke, but it's not even the tetragrammaton that most people say, "god" isn't even the name of the deity. Too many people get bent out of shape because people say the words that people say instead of saying the name of the deity so that they aren't taking the name in vain.
The consensus among critical Biblical scholars is that the original meaning of the commandment in Exodus 20:7 and Deuteronomy 5:11 was to forbid a person from swearing an oath by the name Yahweh (the proper name of the God of Israel) that they did not intend to follow through with.
Thus, unless a person swears an oath in which they say "I swear by Yahweh that I will. . ." and then doesn't do what they promised to do, then they haven't actually "taken the Lord's name in vain" in the original Biblical sense.
There are a lot of oaths/vows that are taken with hand on Bible or in a church. These are supposed to invoke God (and community) as a witness to the oath. Not planning to fulfill the oath was supposed to risk God's wrath. Or some other consequence like jail time or community ostracism.
Yes, that's absolutely an extended meaning of the commandment. The reason why the commandment says "the name of Yahweh" is because it was written at a time when people still regularly used the name Yahweh for God and swore oaths by it.
Ironically, this commandment itself is probably the reason why Jews (and, as a result, Christians) stopped using the name Yahweh. As a pious practice to avoid even the possibility of *accidentally* taking Yahweh's name in vain, it gradually became taboo to even speak the name aloud at all.
It's actually a commonly misunderstood command! The third commandment against "Bearing God's name in vain" was not about speech, but about how believers represent God to the world -- basically "don't make me look bad." Carmen Imes wrote a whole book about this:
"I am so frustrated by everyone, that I am going to flood the entire planet, killing not just the humans, but also the animals, who have not done anything wrong at all"
I mean I don't know how long it takes to build an ark that can hold 2 of every animal on the planet, but I'd imagine it's more than a day... So he's had that plan for a while
No I think it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. That's how long it takes to flood the world apparently. There is a joke about it in Scotland - when Noah tells the Scots about how long it will rain, and they laugh and say - "well, it's day 63 here...."
Maybe it’s less about policing language and more about reminding people that words have weight though eternal damnation does seem a bit excessive for a slip of the tongue.
I always imagined that rule really came about because the ancient version of today's old man bitching about kids on his property and their wild camel racing got tired of them blaming god when they failed at stuff
I was today years old when I realized Taking the Lord's name in vain doesn't mean saying "God Damn" it is meant for the Folks who use God's Word for Political and Financial gain.
Which god and which name? There are n+1 gods out there, and if we are going to assume "the"* Abrihamic god (that shared between Jew, Christians, Muslims, etm) then which name are we not use?
*they worshiped several gods leading upto and into the 1st century or so.
I think it's pretty clear that it means if you say, “I swear to God I'm going to do X” that you had better damned do X. That is, if you invoke God's name, you'd best be serious about it.
Places of compelled speech come from Authority Figures as acceptable. You are compelled to reply in a certain in the military & address people by titles.
The term "language policing" uses authority as the mechanic to control language, it should be something like compassion or social politeness.
That's to say, compelled speech by your peers should use the mechanic of compassion and social politeness. I think those who reject "language policing" often mistake some else trying to assert authority over them since it's their usual experience of the process.
Exactly nothing tempts people more than being told not to do something. 🙃 It’s like the ultimate reverse psychology move and humanity has been running with it ever since
Saying god dammit isn't what that means. Maybe he could chime in once and awhile to let us know conservatives are evil and saying god dammit isn't what taking his name in vain meant. In his big book of contradictory stories and falsehoods thrice translated by tyrants using it to control people.
Came here to say this. Taking the lord’s name in vain was more about not abusing YHWH’s name by using it in oaths. Just say yes or no and let that be the end of it. Don’t use their name to enhance the credibility or weight of an oath that you will likely not uphold anyways.
I interpreted it as "don't use my name for your personal gain/self interests." which would then include mega church TV pastors / prosperity gospel for example. Would you agree with that, or am I mistaken?
I was going off mostly how the biblical authors interpreted it. Matthew 5:33-37, ostensibly from Jesus.
But that was then.
I think the spirit of the commandment was “don’t abuse my name”.
I think your examples easily fit that spirit.
I think it’s fine to reinterpret things to fit current troubles.
If you think the conservative comment is out of place, then you REALLY don't know what taking the lord's name in vain means lol. That's literally what the evangelists ruining the USA are doing.
The commandment in Exodus 20:7 and Deuteronomy 5:11 arguably *implies* this, but the consensus of critical scholars is that the more direct, original meaning of it was about keeping one's oaths. It means: Don't swear an oath in the name of Yahweh that you will do something and then not do it.
That being said, a pretty clear implication of this is certainly that those who claim to represent Yahweh and have either explicitly or implicitly sworn to serve him must do so faithfully without misrepresenting his intentions or presenting their own agendas as his.
The concept of Hell also did not exist in Judahite/Judean religion during the period of the composition of the Torah. It only developed later out of the apocalyptic movement of the Hellenistic and Roman Periods.
Not all religions view it like that. In some, mentioning the word ‘god’ without using it in a completely ‘reverent’ or religious context is ‘taking the name in vain’
I would think putting a graven image of the Ten Commandments on a political building to make the claim that the politician's authority comes directly from God and you'd better obey them probably counts as a violation of that one too.
There is one theory of thought that this doesn’t pertain to words you scream in traffic so much as mean, hateful, evil stuff you scream from the pulpit. “You know Jesus but he will not know you on the last day” stuff?
That’s not even a theory. Forbidden words have evolved over time. Prior to the Victorian era, we have all kinds of examples of priests using vulgar words and insults.
Their only concern was saying something like “god damn you”. But they’d freely call you a “horse fucker”
This is my take as well. I really don't think he meant, "omg." I think he meant slapping his name onto actions and movements that are not in line with his teachings. Misrepresenting him to the world is far worse, with more serious ramifications, than yelling when you stub your toe.
I said I was going to take a piss one time when I was little and found out really quick that Mom thought that was a bad word
I cuss more now than ever but society as a whole cuss more
I try not to take GOD's name in Vain because I was taught that was wrong, but sometimes there are no other words
The technicality in God's silly and stupid directive is that when you're really angry and you use his name in swearing, that is not in vain. That is for a very useful purpose. That is to emphasize your point.
This includes "man of God home improvement ". That's vanity. How will you explain you used his name in vain because you thought you'd make more money that way?
God names and attributes are derived from a denial of our own imperfections, while for created things there is a distinction between “what” a thing is and “that” a thing is, for God there can be no such ontological separation.
Some people are taking this joke post way more self-seroiusly than they should have, and thus stealing the hearty laugh that they would have gotten out of it otherwise. Pity on these people.
I think I grew up with the worst thing you could say was, I don't know, without also saying, but I'll find out.. I heard that from Hal Sparks and it struck a chord I hadn't thought much about before.. my family had what my grandma called salty language, so nobody cursed around her or out in public.
That's not really what that means. It means to not to make up BS in his name. Saying "God wants me to be president" is taking the lord's name in vain. Saying "God damnit" is a prayer asking god to damn something. You gotta get this right, it has political implications. Teach this crap at school!
Liberal language policing is part of what led to the rise of conservatism just like the process that you describe. But for me to even say that I am going to get so much shit.
There is a big difference between what the Bible actually says and what conservatives say it says to justify their bigotry. But they are the ones following the "taking the lords name in vain = cursing" belief so the comparison is apt.
They care more about "bad words" than hurting people.
OK so I just have to say this because Christ Jesus gave two Commandments really to cover all 10 first ones about loving God the second ones about loving your neighbor as yourself - the Golden rule. Truly, I think our constitution is based on that and its law rule of law.
We could have had the celestial jackpot—peace, wisdom, maybe a VIP pass to eternal bliss. Humanity looked at it and said, “Nah, I’d rather test the smiting feature.”
When are we going to go over speech as a form of action that is a result of reason with or without intent? (As with intent shows purpose while without shows either ignorance or accident)
Now another reason may be (I read) that during the exodus through the desert a large group of the escapees,70k,were bitching in vain about the terrible conditions,little water,hot sand,manna and maybe a lotta rules. Yahweh being vengeful, cranky etc. struck them all dead. Men women children. There!
No. I read something about that, too. In the context of talking to toddlers? Instead of "don't touch that" to everything, teach them to it's ok touch some things gently with one finger - to reduce the destruction. Because if it's always 'no', they're going to start ignoring you, you old poophead.
This is a part of the reason I left Christianity. I couldn't worship a God who intentionally made me imperfect and then punished me for being imperfect.
I respect people's right to be Christian if it feels right to them ... but it's definitely not for me.
Tolerance paradox, can’t tolerate what doesn’t tolerate. People will respect religion once they cut the 30% that uses their faith to belittle others and crush minorities. Until religions follow their ‘love all’ scriptures they should expect others to not respect their hypocrisy.
Eg the government blocked the # me2 so people started using a different symbols, mi tù - which means rice bunny or they d use the emotes.
Or the word censorship it self turned into hé xié - harmony, then into hé xiè - rivercrab.
So, tbh, I think the instruction has been followed (wait for it) religiously.
"For thou shalt worship no other god: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God"
And yet if you force people to get their kit off because god said they just call the police on you. Again.
Me: "Goddammit!"
I don't think God minds that much when people say "OMG" or "JFC", but I think He does mind when people, say, call themselves *Christ*ians and then use that to justify mistreatment or hatred of others.
… oh. Vain.
also, was that joke intentional? because it was very funny imo 😂
“I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.” - Susan B. Anthony
"I am so frustrated by everyone, that I am going to flood the entire planet, killing not just the humans, but also the animals, who have not done anything wrong at all"
It's difficult to come back from that....
*they worshiped several gods leading upto and into the 1st century or so.
Starting fights and wars "in God's name" and the like. Seems like the opposite of what an all-knowing entity that loves us all would want.
The term "language policing" uses authority as the mechanic to control language, it should be something like compassion or social politeness.
"You totally have free will, but do not eat an Apple from this tree"
The only way to really know if you ACTUALLY have free will, is to test that.
But that was then.
I think the spirit of the commandment was “don’t abuse my name”.
I think your examples easily fit that spirit.
I think it’s fine to reinterpret things to fit current troubles.
The funny thing is that lots of people who chastise others for "taking the Lord's name in vain" are actively doing this.
Their only concern was saying something like “god damn you”. But they’d freely call you a “horse fucker”
"You may eat the fruit from any tree in the garden, except the tree in the center of the garden…"
As soon as that's stated, it becomes the only damned tree we care about.
"From" ≠ "of."
I cuss more now than ever but society as a whole cuss more
I try not to take GOD's name in Vain because I was taught that was wrong, but sometimes there are no other words
Jus’ axin’. 🙄
They care more about "bad words" than hurting people.
This makes the problem worse, and that's why I commented. YMMV
Humans: Immediately does it.
We could have had the celestial jackpot—peace, wisdom, maybe a VIP pass to eternal bliss. Humanity looked at it and said, “Nah, I’d rather test the smiting feature.”
Classic us.
or am i completely misremembering something i read before
I respect people's right to be Christian if it feels right to them ... but it's definitely not for me.
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