Yesterday my son set down his fidget spinner in the center of the mosaic floor in the entryway to to National Museum of Ireland, spun it, and then went to watch from his star sign.
My Irish friend walked over to his star sign to watch as well and said, “now that’s good craic.”
My Irish friend walked over to his star sign to watch as well and said, “now that’s good craic.”
Do some cool shit. Pass the vibe check. THEN let it slip that you're one of the Celtic fam.
Celtic people are very vibe-centric, I'm telling ya.
If he has don’t panic…
*it’s both a web portal and portal to another dimension. Long story
He smoothed political relations between magic and mundane because everything on their side went frigging sideways when we went online.
Fidget spinners, star signs, and good craic—what more do you need for a proper day out at the museum? #GoodCraic #OnlyInIreland
Didnt entertain hank's son
He spun a fidget on d'floor and
the man behind him smiled
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Hit “🫀”.
Think to myself… “wonder how many people reading this actually understand phrase ‘good Craic’ ??”