PM Carney will get to meeting with you Trump.
He’s busy now with our European allies.
You will have to sit in your kingdom & show some respect until he gets around to you.
Dont be distracted by the noise of the few losers, full steam ahead to crush tRump any way we can. Make him do impulsive things, make him dig his own grave. We'll be supporting you.
I can’t express how hopeful I feel today. I love Canada and want our PM to be a quality person, not a mean career politician who just hurls nasty slogans. Now if only we had a quality person as our Alberta premier, it would be a perfect day.
I'd like to invite you to add the United States as your 11th province. You may want to start the southern part of the US off as your 4th territory,but I'll let you decide. Please and thank you.
Mark don't let us down. Keep Democracy alive & a Right in North America. Democracy in Canada and in partnership with the other Democracy the United States of Mexico of North America. Estados Unidos de Mexico de Norte America. In case U were unaware our good friends are the United States of Mexico.
Just do not bend the knee or bend over for Trump and his bullying BS. We need countries like you to push back on him. That is if we ever have any hope of our reps and senators here standing up to impeach him and remove him, due to the financial harm he is causing.
Congratulations and all of the best to you and your precious country. I’m so sorry that we have an evil traitor in charge of the US right now who is trying to destroy our alliance/friendship with Canada.🇨🇦
I like your first day decisions, sir, with the pared down war time cabinet and carbon tax move. We are with you! Yeah, naysayers are going to naysay, but we need to be united more than ever right now. Go to it, Mark!
Reinstate conscription. You'll get loads of volunteers. Call Finns to see how it is done efficiently. The go to Ukraine to learn how to make drones. Then you can set WH on fire like last time USA tried to bully Canada.
No. See Swedish example. Conscription is not necessarily forced. It is just state delivering training to a certain category of the population in an organized manner.
Sure. That can happen later because I'm sure it's complicated. Removing anything the Nazi touches from existence in Canada isn't complicated. It should have already happened. He is an enemy of this country.
OK, talk is let us see you keep your courage...stand up for all for the people and not the oligarch class...we are watching...
Congratulations. I'm an American and I wanna live in Canada. I'm a decent human being. Please help me and my wife with citizenship. It SUCKS down here.
Please consider warning all Canadians against travel to the USA. Please add travel advisory explaining USA’s conversion to fascism. At any given moment the Neo-Nazis in the White House can and will declare Canada an enemy. No Canadian should be there when that happens.
Get in touch with your elected MLA. I will and will make sure he knows. I was at an event this week and asked that exact question - what if a PM gets elected and does not have sec clearance? I am not sure what the answer is to it.
We cannot wait for that. He is currently a sitting MP. If our new Prime Minister put forth a vote that every sitting MP has to have it and make it mandatory then PP will have to get it.
I am so relieved and grateful. I have never joined a party in my life,generally a little more left of centre,however you were my only choice to navigate these times
I think they are pulling things back to the centre, to strike a balance. We have to choose our battles. I suspect from his speech, and question period today that the cultural appointee will address diversity as part of our culture, which is far better for all ultimately. But let's give him a minute.
I think some don't realize how close we are to possible war and that buffoon attacking us. Right now, that's more important and I'm on disability myself.
Pulling back to the centre would mean moving left. The liberals have pulled right for years now and we need a correction, not more capitulation to the right.
We all are going to have our own preferences for an ideal governance, but I really hope even though we may disagree on some things, that we can really stay positive and united like he asked. Let's be the best we can, we all (mostly) care about each other's rights, it's part of our culture. Be well
How come he doesn’t have a 1 foot diameter seal if his office on the front of his little desk like the president of the USA has? (Joking, folks. Canada is much more classy. Not to mention the guy sitting at the desk is not a dotard or traitor.)
Congratulations Mr. Prime Minister. I am so thankful that the Liberal Party has chosen you. I look forward to your first moves. We need strong, rational leadership and you have demonstrated those qualities. We need a compassionate leader and I believe you are.
Thanks #JeffDouglas🇨🇦“we will not be the 51st State” We are #TheTrueNorth🇨🇦 #StrongandFree🇨🇦 #OhCanada🇨🇦 we stand on guard for thee. I love our friends, neighbors and allies 🇲🇽🇪🇺🇺🇳🇺🇦🇬🇧🇫🇷🇳🇱🇦🇺🇸🇪🇩🇰🇬🇷🇮🇹🇳🇴🇯🇵🇮🇳🇮🇪🇧🇷🇪🇸🇨🇭who #StandwithCanada🇨🇦 #ImAProudCanadian🇨🇦
I believe you’re one of the good guys, Mr. Carney. I’ll back you 100%. Time to get to the tasks at hand. Protect our sovereignty from the southern barbarians at the gate. #ElbowsUp
Hate to see Canada falling backwards on climate change, and honestly REALLY going to miss the carbon rebate from my pocket book. Still, I understand the political necessity of this move.
The first step for Canada to survive Trump's 4 years of hell is to prevent a Maple-MAGA Conservative majority.
I take it that his immediate concern is totally focused on the threat from trump. The new AG was just interviewed and was asked why no Minister of Labour. He said all cabinet ministers have a responsibility to consider all other ministries. I think he'll expand the cabinet after a general election
It will come back … it’s a smaller cabinet to deal with the urgent issues now. And focus on the upcoming election. In the meantime reach out to a sitting Liberal MP and ask. I will ask too and let you know🙋🏻♀️🇨🇦
Sounds like you're just serving the moderate and right wing. You say we're not American in our nature, so tell me what Canadian neoliberalism looks like?
Yes. Imagine the view of this shitshow from down here in the USA! Trump, Muskrat and their ilk are destroying everything they touch — with great malice. Thank God Canada is pushing back against what these creeps are doing to you! 🇺🇸🇨🇦
As frustrating as all of this has been I know millions of you do not want this at all and now it gets compounded with the fact y'all are living under authoritarianism which you definitely did not want.
What's worse is any pushback to this is only going to be possible...
And Americans will get even more mentally and physically ill now that the regime is ending all environmental, medical and science communications programs.
Why would you claim to hold values for inclusion and then remove all ministries for it? This isn’t a good start. The disability community votes. Women vote. Labour votes. Seniors vote.
I’m sorry what did he remove ? All cabinet posts in the temporary cabinet are greatly expanded. And if you’ve ever heard him speak you’d know how way off base you are
Pretending his choices will not affect the vote isn’t going to result in a win. The issue isn’t with the criticism. These things matter. He should hear these things so he can fix them.
EVERYTHING matters Erin. But, at this time of dire danger to Canada, I've decided to trust the new leader and give him my full support. He has his reasons .. we're already economically weakened by just the thought of tariffs. We cannot outlast the onslaught of US aggression, so every penny counts.
Holding leaders accountable is normal. If he wants votes, he has to live up to his words. Human rights matter just as much as the economy. Marginalized people are the most at risk in bad economies.
I agree with your points, but “if he wants votes?” We have to come to grips with our choices. Most Canadians don’t realize what we’re in for with a Trump govn’t, nor how dependent/interdependent we are with US. PP would sell us out—too weak. NDP, come on. Our survival as a free country is at stake.
I'm a union healthcare worker who's been off on disability for awhile. "Jobs" covers all kinds of labour. The health minister is a nurse who can take care of the disabilities part of things.
This is a wartime cabinet that's temporary and he's also trying to limit PP's talking points.
The Minister in charge of health was the prior disability minister and was not highly regarded based on her work on the disability benefit. Disability issues span every department and are not just about health. I missed the “Jobs” that’s on me.
All important initiatives. Crucial though, is that he focuses on the economic war first before it turns into a military war. I don't doubt he will focus on the rest when we are past the worst.
Huge issues for disabled people in the economic war, especially in procurement of medical devices and equipment mostly made in the US. Human rights should be as important in trade wars as everything else.
PM Carney please lead us with integrity and understanding of the average Canadian's concerns. World market diversity to create separation from US reliability is an excellent start. #CanadaStrong #ElbowsUp
Ask yourself how many hours a Canadian needs to work to work their way out of poverty and then ask yourself how you can help reduce those hours. Be a great leader, please don’t be average.
Lordy, I'll just be happy if he can save our sovereignty for now. Let's not put too much on his head.
Stay strong and ignore the polls b/c Musk is involved and he loves PP.
let’s goooo! I really hope to heck that we will win the upcoming election. I know in my heart that the conservatives are not the right fit in this moment in time to lead Canada to prosperity, electing them would result in disaster for Canada.
I think it'll be before Easter. But I love how Americans can't understand that you don't need a 9 months drawn out election campaign with big rallies and celebrity endorsements.
October 20th is the very latest date it can be held by law but I think it will be called in the spring prob May/June as Carney doesn't have a seat in Parliament (he isn't an MP currently). He'll want to speak in Parliament so I don't think he'll wait to fall. Traditionally they avoid the summer
"Hey Mr Trump, why don't you withdraw American support in unpredictable ways even quicker in response to my insults, during an ongoing conflict?" Starmer, as most European leaders is working to reduce our exposure to American support but there is no point in speeding it up... Clear what they THINK
The UK is more exposed than most of Europe to the current state of Washington - the government is very aware of the situation. The plan is to clearly not to carry on as before but their are a lot of difficult things to untangle.
He needs to shut that idiot Jeff down ASAP. Jeff and Smith waging war on Canada by siding with the mango maniac. Smith has barely been in AB since he won. She spends all her time sucking the mushroom in Lardo or Washington. Who is paying for all this travel? 🤔
He’s busy now with our European allies.
You will have to sit in your kingdom & show some respect until he gets around to you.
Lead the way Prime Minister Carney, let us all know what we can do for our country, no matter how challenging, nor how long it will take, just ask.
So very happy for you and our country.
The one tactic the PCs are winning on is firearms.
Trudeau’s buy back is a disaster.
At this time we need to arm and train Canadians. It is inevitable that we will be invaded by the USA & possibly Russia within 2 years time.
Now go below and get rested.
•keep your cutlass clean at all times
At the risk of stirring Frontenac and Churchill, together:
• we will answer from the mouths of our cannon
• we will make this OUR FINEST HOUR!
I love your Country just as it is visted many times! No need to lower it the 51st state - as you know much better than I!
Wishing you success as you lead Canada forward.
The EU looks forward to strengthening our partnership and collaboration. 🇪🇺❤️🇨🇦
#Canada #Leadership #teamcarney #EU
French nuclear attack sub mysteriously docks in Nova Scotia, 300 miles from US border
Please elaborate
Better Q&A
Do more! It’s so much better then PPs fake shit
It takes time to translate the letters of support from Russia, and he has no past employers to vouch for him since he’s never had a real job
#NeverPoilievre #Never51
Good luck sir!
Really must be nice.
Don’t make the same mistake America 🇺🇸 did. It’s awful
We just hate Trump and his GOP MAGAS.
Ask what you can do to America.
Ask what you can do for America.
Stay true to yourself and it will be fine. We got this.
Good luck!
🇨🇦Go Canada Go🇨🇦
Our leader says *the USA has given me everything. Now, I'm ready to suck every last drop of life from it.*
Minister of Jobs... "Jobs" includes all kinds of "Labour".
Men have been complaining that women are getting too much preferential treatment and they feel excluded. Carney is limiting this Con talking point.
There are much more important issues than the culture war right now.
Carney is center-left. He won't roll back human rights that have been gained in the last 80 years.
We might even get UBI out of him (spoken favourably of before).
Congrats on your win. Will you take refugees from New York if we don't meet Canadian citizenship quals under normal circumstances, or nah?
Your neighbor to the south who hates what's happening in the US.
PS - Sovereign Canada forever!
The first step for Canada to survive Trump's 4 years of hell is to prevent a Maple-MAGA Conservative majority.
Lead us to victory.
Love, a pissed-off American
You have permission to go full for the people. Electoral reform & socialist.
I am not holding my breath.
I also hope that my fellow NDPers give you a chance and give PP the Trump salute in keeping you in until the scheduled election.
Maybe we can actually make him turn orange!
I wish you every success!
Sorry my country sucks right now. We're trying 🤷🏼♂️😮💨
I can't say the same of your politicians. "Opposition" included.
Frustrating as hell to watch.
As frustrating as all of this has been I know millions of you do not want this at all and now it gets compounded with the fact y'all are living under authoritarianism which you definitely did not want.
What's worse is any pushback to this is only going to be possible...
This is a wartime cabinet that's temporary and he's also trying to limit PP's talking points.
But the province blamed Trudeau for the healthcare problems and put Doug Ford right back in charge of them.
Don't blame provincial problems on the federal government.
He deserves it and don’t back down from the fat bully and his imp musk
Fucking A, Eh!!!
Stay strong and ignore the polls b/c Musk is involved and he loves PP.
Any chance of buying back control of OUR OWN MEDIA?
Queen Elizabeth
... even Charlie
Remember to stay in network if you get sick...
We are ready to work with you to maintain our sovereignty.