I can't believe you aren't using totally juvenile names when referring to someone!! People like that are always shocked that no one takes them seriously.
I'm not angry at you at all. I just don't find it credible to call him center-left. He's a centrist or center-right. You can't look at his record objectively and say "oh, that's a leftist".
I dont think O was a bad centrist or center-right President. You can argue he took a very centrist approach, was looking to compromise + make deals, + Rs just wanted to fuck him. I buy that.
His only legacy as a left-of-center President was to make it more difficult for real leftists to be elected.
This dumbass legacy media fossil thinks I'm being pedantic by trying to draw a distinction, but this shit matters. Nothing changed under Obama and when the biggest desire of the electorate is to see government less broken and do shit, I don't want that associated with leftist policies and ideas.
He doesn’t want to put trans people into a giant blender in Times Square just in case it brings back our lord and savior Jesus Christ so unfortunately in the United States that is center left.
He moved the US in the direction of expanding the safety net. He didn’t start with the the NHS and pare it back as CL govts in many countries were at that time were doing.
And Obama would be in the center left in Latin America too, where the choices are typically an ex huerrila fighter and a guy whose family emigrated in the mid 40s from Germany. Spent 10 seconds on the post bozo
You know, being one of the trans people someone might hypothetically want to put in a blender, I’m going to have to change my stance on quibbling if any given Dem is center-right or center-left after reading this sentence.
i don't think we should go by the United States' standard for these things because it conflates actual leftism and corporate neoliberalism, which only ever benefits corporate neoliberals
Exactly. I don't know when relativistic arguments became the default, but even in a historical context he isn't left. Nixon was further left than Obama.
I think this is where his genuine political inexperience came into play. Someone less charitable would say he was too high on his own supply. I really think he thought he could change things, and the system is, at this point, inoculated and outright hostile to gradual change. He found out too late.
you know leftist doesn't just mean "anyone left of center", right? There's not a single "leftist" politician in America, unless some of the squad or bernie are hiding their power level
Earth. Where bailing out banks, car manufacturers, trying to gut social programs, and passing individualized healthcare policies are not leftist priorities.
Lately the only thing that makes me say "oh, that's a leftist" is seeing people who think the political spectrum only runs from Joe Biden to Chairman Mao.
Absolutely he was a centrist/corporatist. He just pretended to be something else, but look how he sold the public down the river after the 2008 crash. People love Obama so he gets a pass, but he's part of the reason we got Trump. An uncomfortable truth many won't acknowledge and I voted for him...
If he's not a centrist, it should be easy to list his progressive accomplishments, right?
They never can though. Ever. 8 years, a super-majority, and more goodwill going into office than just about any President in modern history (maybe LBJ?) and we got Obamacare.
For anyone on the fence, here's your reason to block that chucklehead. When "oh I'm just anti-Zionist" types start using /pol/-grade antisemitic dogwhistles, they've told you all you ned to know about them.
For those who don't get it: "noticing" in this context refers to "noticing" that The Jews control the media, banks, etc., the usual conspiracy theory accusations.
Maybe a corporatist is a more apt description.
May need to rethink my opinions about Obama's legacy, looking into this.
His only legacy as a left-of-center President was to make it more difficult for real leftists to be elected.
The fact that anyone thinks he's on the left just shows how far to the right, the US Overton window has moved.
Obama was more socially progressive than most European politicians of his era.
Economically pretty middle-of-the-road/neolib.
US foreign policy really has little analog in Europe.
I’d say Obama was a European pure centrist.
They never can though. Ever. 8 years, a super-majority, and more goodwill going into office than just about any President in modern history (maybe LBJ?) and we got Obamacare.
If Romney had defeated Obama, he would have had 8 more years of Obama.
Open air prisons is not racism!!!!
>can't see any of them because I've blocked those users
huh the antisemites on here really didn't like this one