It sounded like they were cancelling it not in direct response to FOTUS' EO re DEI, but out of "concern for the safety" around students attending an event of this nature in light of the focus on DEI. That's as bad if not worse: letting the fear of MAGA jackboot violence force us all into cowering.
Because they wanted to do this. They now have permission to be their authentic selves from the damned crime-President.
Malicious voters fucked over every kind of minority in America, and wrecked our reputation and support from allies. They should be held responsible for their corruption.
Alumni need to let MSU know this is beyond the pale. And the Lansing State Journal’s op ed page is at [email protected]. We have to speak up as our institutions start to fail.
Email the MSU administrators who announced the cancellation and remind them to stand up for their own students:
DEI Director - [email protected]
Dean of the College of Communication Arts and Sciences - [email protected]
Shhh!!! Keep it a secret so MAGA won't get her fired...
Based on her bio, I suspect she wants to do right by these students, but some of the international students on visas are scared and don't want to draw MAGA's attention with this cultural event (according to the 2nd article). Sad and unjust.
Shame on Michigan State University. I don’t care if the Asian American students said they are scared. It’s the university’s core mission to support and protect all students. Don’t obey in advance. Fight fascism with courage.
Aren't they worried that, by cancelling, they are also participating in DEI, in that cancellation itself favors a particular demographic group over others? Namely, those whose locomotion is not on foot or by wheelchair but rather crawling on their bellies on a self-secreted trail of viscous slime?
I was under the impression the intolerant left was responsible for canceling university events and that was the biggest existential threat to Western civilization to ever happen
Geeze! How would celebrating Lunar New Year be DEI? What about Valentine's Day, Arbor Day? Too DEI? Martin Luther King Day? Waaaay too DEI, but it's a national holiday. This is just what Trump wants. Everyone second-guessing themselves in fear of Trump. WTF?
This kind of behavior is disgusting and embarrassing. We're supposed to be educators, celebrating opportunities for learning and community, not wardens making sure no one is looking "too non-white" on our campuses. The spinelessness is appalling.
That's the whole point... to create fear of retaliation for universities and businesses to the point that they self-censor well beyond anything reasonable, because the folks issuing the decrees are not reasonable.
As someone at a university in a state behaving like this, it really is like this. It's horrible and depressing. The bureaucracy of the state, regents, and university administration makes it hard to know where to point the finger.
Years ago, when teaching young children in both private preschool and public school settings, I'm proud to say this wonderful book by Louise Derman-Sparks was a basis for my work. What a sad time for America. And what a dangerous time. I can only imagine what educators are going through.
Some students were worried about gathering as "one racial group," university officials said, even though the event had been held four times with no complaints.
this is where insitutions etc are totally failing and should not take orders from him as either justified or to be obeyed as history shows us that leads to only way
Wait til you realize that the “institutions” are part of the problem. Jim Crow was effective bc every facet of white society participated in it. Everyone did their part to enforce & uphold the system.
I agree, and lawsuits have already been launched, one portion was already struck down, problem is that funding cuts were declared as “immediate” so NIH started running out of syringes and drugs and patients insurance was immediately cut off.
And that kills people.
Court dates take time
I personally hope all the executive orders get struck down simply for being vague.
Laws are required to be specific, and name exact things being cut, launched, overturned.
That isn’t a right or left thing, it’s law school 101.
Even Constitutions have specific exceptions, etc
I agree they don’t like being inclusive, and also this had been held for years, and was basically free Chinese food on a college campus with some decor on the walls.
So I don’t know why anyone would have ever objected.
I understand the fear, and it doesn’t reflect well on MSU leadership or the student body that the Chinese students didn’t feel protected enough to celebrate the new year together.
At this point, all it takes is one unhappy nimrod to get upset and make a phone call to the racists in government. I completely understand wanting to avoid that hassle, but it sucks. Assholes should have less power than normal people, not more.
I don’t like anywhere that has Christmas events. It singles out a certain group as special. Forbid it! This is absolutely insane. They are going to ban everything that isn’t white Christian based. At the same time bitching about cancel culture
The ugliest, most stupid Americans are happy to comply with the Republican's attack on our nation. They've been waiting for permission to openly be racist trash. Having to act like a sensible person in public was a strain on them.
"Concerns about students gathering for this event"
Once again, the minority white supremacists insist that because they aren't supportive of something, it must be canceled. It's not enough that could just easily skip it.
The Asian students are Americans. America is an Asian-Pacific nation. (Guam, Hawaii) Therefore Lunar New Year is an American holiday. What’s wrong with these college administrators?
The university I went to in a dead red state did International Night, Chinese New Year, and other similar events where there was ethnic food and cultural entertainment done by the various clubs. It was fun, and I looked forward to it every year.
Well, to be fair, Snakes are kinda hard to determine gender on. We don’t want any mistakes in celebrating the Lunar New Year….That would be a Catastrophe!!!
As an alum, this is deeply disheartening. I used to go to all the multicultural events. I once went to a Seder and on another occasion a Nepali rice feeding. I learned so much about so many different people right at MSU. I hate that current students might not get the chance.
This doesn't surprise me at all. They don't want to see, hear, or learn about anything that is not white. Hate to say it, but we need to feel the impact of these policies so that we're motivated to stand up to the bullies. Too many people sit out elections cuz they don't think it affects them.
If only he had been crystal clear in his white supremacist ideals and plan to eliminate non-white judeo Christian culture over the course of the past decade. If only there were thousands of explicit calls to attack everyone but fundamentalist Christians! How did this sneak up on us!!!?!?
They think it is *unfair* for them to have to tolerate non-majority people or cultures. Ever, anywhere.
There’s nothing wrong with DEI. Which as I’ve said before, means women, queers and brown folks in spaces the GOP wants to reserve for straight, white, cis men.
The people making these decisions are the men who whine that there’s no White Man ERG and ask “when’s men’s history month?” They’ve been waiting for their chance. I’m surprised they haven’t closed the nursing mother’s rooms yet. Evil little Renfields.
Try this, Georgia Tech College of Computing asking faculty to scrub sites with verboten terms such as justice and equality. I'm faculty, this is an internal email (but I'm not the one that broke containment). Please flog this to death as I want this cowardice publicized.
Condolences!! It doesn’t have to be this way. Tomorrow my institution is holding a diversity summit. Like GA Tech we are a state school, but our state is standing up for its residents.
So next, in an effort to ensure no "diverse foods", they'll ensure no Mexican food on campus? And no labeling of foods that have nuts – can't be inclusive to those with allergies?
In one list I saw circulating, Holocaust Memorial Day was on the "cancel this because DEI". Basically, if it involves anything other than cishet white Christian men, it has to go.
As a Michigan alum, I realize I live in a bit of a glass house here, but the MSU administration has been stepping on rakes for years now. It’s really remarkable
At least Engler isn’t there anymore, making a mockery of what is actually an excellent academic institution
Why the itching to lick boots as quickly as possible?
Absolute nonsense decision
"students with concerns" horseshit
Malicious voters fucked over every kind of minority in America, and wrecked our reputation and support from allies. They should be held responsible for their corruption.
Celebrate together, supporting one another.
Don't obey in advance.
DEI Director - [email protected]
Dean of the College of Communication Arts and Sciences - [email protected]
Based on her bio, I suspect she wants to do right by these students, but some of the international students on visas are scared and don't want to draw MAGA's attention with this cultural event (according to the 2nd article). Sad and unjust.
Fascist ass kissers
Nazi Trump Humpers
by the end of this week ?
It was a lunch geared toward Chinese students.
Some students were worried about gathering as "one racial group," university officials said, even though the event had been held four times with no complaints.
This event would likely be no big deal—but no one is sure!
And that kills people.
Court dates take time
Laws are required to be specific, and name exact things being cut, launched, overturned.
That isn’t a right or left thing, it’s law school 101.
Even Constitutions have specific exceptions, etc
So I don’t know why anyone would have ever objected.
I also know that they are afraid
Once again, the minority white supremacists insist that because they aren't supportive of something, it must be canceled. It's not enough that could just easily skip it.
Anything that doesn’t promote and celebrate whiteness in America is bad. Very, very bad!,women%20to%20reach%20this%20milestone.
D: Celebrating Lunar new year, part of a culture that’s different from majority white, majority Christian culture - Diverse.
I: making the minority feel welcome, and introducing their culture to the majority - Inclusive.
They think it is *unfair* for them to have to tolerate non-majority people or cultures. Ever, anywhere.
There’s nothing wrong with DEI. Which as I’ve said before, means women, queers and brown folks in spaces the GOP wants to reserve for straight, white, cis men.
These people have gone insane.
And schools are all so scared of losing US government research money, scholarship and student loan money—-even elite private schools need it.
At least Engler isn’t there anymore, making a mockery of what is actually an excellent academic institution