What makes me sad is that most people really don't know how many fantastic things Harris proposed that actually had real solutions for real problems, but the media never reported it.
It wasn't "poor messaging." She was messaging it several times a day every fucking day. The media ignore it.
It wasn't "poor messaging." She was messaging it several times a day every fucking day. The media ignore it.
Fuck you Errol.
to afford airtime, you need to have money.
to have money, you need to kiss the ring.
the new king made it very clear he is very open to ring kissing.
also he will shut down non kissers.
it won't get any better before the next election cycle.
if any of us know about said proposals that would seem to indicate they were were indeed reported on
..perhaps not as widely & as accurately as would have been helpful
1/ 2 ⬇️
..& what we hear(ed) from DJTs supporters, in both campaigns before both elections, is that the felt there was a mutual understanding 'he gets us/ we get him'
..he was perceived, by design as talking as they did, plainly & even crudely, & they took that to mean he was on their side
Need to add some "wrastling" style flair and use only monosyllabic words for some folks to care.
She lost a lot doing that rubbish.
Thought a prosecutor facing off against a criminal would have been an easy campaign: just the facts, make her case, present evidence, talk up what happened in Nazi Germany...
You know, everything we're talking about now.
Much easier and way more fun than all that "understanding policy, presenting it to the public, and reporting the facts" stuff.
Blaming the media for everything. Only took billions of dollars and trump to tell you all what he’d do. But the media … come on already.
Make that make sense..
It wasn't even close to honest reporting, but then corporate media is run by the CEOs, where Trump support rules.
The story of 2024 is that we made "perfect" the enemy of "good" and created a disaster in the process.
The rejection by some people (who may not have voted) of the good in search of the perfect resulted in 45 taking office again.
Perfect candidates do not exist.
Was it the time needed to get more of the message out to the people?
I just don't know.
The media wanted 45 more. They wanted the shit show.
How else can you explain all of their same washing?
This would become a game-changer for retirees and children of retirees.
The social and economic impacts would have changed the course of older voters.
"Whoever can make you believe absurdities can also make you commit atrocities" -Voltaire
We might have elected an incompetent person without round the clock coverage of Trump.
Her moonshot should have been 6 or 7 million to energize voters.
We continued to have a tariff on Canadian lumber through the Biden administration.. and it was one of the things that helped jack up the cost of homes.
She could have ran on removing that tax.
What she actually was for or against was irrelevant becuase the media ignored her actual positions.
But I do think that would have helped her separate herself from the Biden in a way that made her seem different.
She had a big uphill battle regardless.
Even with the federal government helping there's only so many homes that can be built at a time.
There's a shortage of workers in the construction industry.
And that's going to be exacerbated by the fact that Trump is sending people away.
We need 2% direct government mortgages/ deferred construction loans. Along with
Like I said it was a start.
Going in and loosening up some of the more restrictive regulations would have helped.
Was it some good ideas, well some of them absolutely. But don't blow sunshine up
Help for first time house buyers.
But then those fukkin' eggs...that have DOUBLED in price so far?
Neither one resonated well.
While Trump speaks at a 5th grade level which makes those 40% feel comfortable so even though it was nonsense it made sense to them