You misspelled "2nd Great Depression." The first one happened the last time wealthy republican elites ran this nation's administration. They liked Nazis back then, too.
Alternatively, European companies that manufacture military equipment are a good bet. EU announced that it is pouring 850 million euros into building out its defenses. BAE is likely a good option for example but there are others. US companies will be excluded generally unless they have EU operations
Check out how to prepare for an insurrection when the stock market has crashed, the dollar has no value and people can’t afford food at any basic necessities. That’s what’s coming.
Not to mention the trifecta of hell with the collapse of security infrastructure, public health, another institutions that we’ve taken for granted. So much of these things are knitted together. I think we’re about to find out deep the layers of shit we’re actually in.
1. Buy some chickens so you have eggs.
2 So that you and your chickens don’t die of bird flu, they will be living in your basement or until nature is done having her way with us.
We’re already in a recession. I live in Michigan and have noticed in the last week that hardly anyone is shopping or out. The local butcher said the USAID hit some of the farmers pretty hard.
TVP (textured vegetable protein) has a very ground beef like texture that you could sub 50/50 with. Lentils are also nice to add ground beef to stretch without changing the flavor too much.
Endorsing TVP, I'm super picky about food for autism spectrum reasons but the texture really is a close match; it helps if you're not leaning too heavily on the beef flavor. I'd never choose it over ground beef without a compelling reason, but it does work.
I hate to say this but maybe that sometimes things that happen that we think are bad and I'm not saying I like what policy is mind you might end up having a silver lining. We've had so much inflation for so long somewhere down the line this needs to go down maybe a recession would be healthy for us
Keep a close eye on musk and Shitzinpants as they will drive USA to depression, then buy numerous companies for Pennies on the dollar. History repeats. John Paul Getty did this during the Great Depression
I stocked: many varieties of dried beans, grains, coconut milk, canned tomatoes, dried herbs, quinoa, rice - white and brown - orzo, dried pasta, dried spices …and I’m growing herbs and ready to grow A LOT of vegetables….plan ahead!
PROTESTS - 50501
Tomorrow - March 4th
50 States - 1 Movement
Find your state, find your march, make your posters now!
Peaceful but LOUD!
The fact it's hard to live day-to-day in the wired world without Google should tell us something. Duolingo, Medium, Nest, YouTube, Square, all Google. Android is Google, and loaded with Google apps; assume Google has every bit of your Android phone's data, including everywhere you go, with whom.
SKIP THE STATE OF THE UNION TOMORROW AND SIGN UP FOR THIS INSTEAD! We'll be joined by Prof. Timothy Snyder, who wrote the book On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century. Sign up:
Here in Mexico are waiting to see how much your people can harvest without Mexicans, and how much your food is going to cost when tariffs go and kick hard between your ass cheeks.
If you have a long time till retirement, don’t take your money out. Stay the course. We have 150 years of history with the stock markets there are ups and downs. Hell even after the Great Depression it went back up.
You should search "how to prepare for stagflation." Stagflation refers to an economy characterized by high inflation, low economic growth and high unemployment. The U.S. has only experienced one sustained period of stagflation in recent history, in the 1970s. Welcome to 2025!
If you have a financial advisor keeping an eye on your retirement and other finances, I would call them asap. I have been reading about balancing retirement accounts to a 50/50 blend of bonds and non US investment funds.
Try Googling recipes for economical meals from the Great Depression. Also, while you’re at it, find patterns from that same time, for sewing clothes from flour sacks.
My mother's mother was a child during the Great Depression and it fixed in place a *lot* of habits and attitudes that didn't really lend themselves to her daughters being appropriately hip 1960s kids; flour sack dresses is high on the list. It stopped when distributors switched to paper.
Mom also made a lot of the clothes my sisters and I wore in the 1990s (she got primary custody of me for secondary school); fortunately I knew perfectly well I'd never be able to pull off anything resembling "cool" even if my clothes at her house had been, you know, not quilting fabric plus McCalls.
My Grandparents farmed and raised a large family here in Saskatchewan during the Great Depression. Being self-sufficient was a way of life then. Even had there not been a Depression, they’d still have grown a big garden to feed the family, raised cattle for milk & beef, & raised pigs & chickens.
Grandma's parents had an upper-middle-class background and a working-class background, respectively, and they lived in the suburbs; her mother was a classically trained musician and daughter of a prominent engineer who was determined to make the best of an undeniably crappy situation.
Like obviously her children needed to wear clothing that fit, and this was a solution that they could actually afford, so she did it and did it well, because that (excellence) is what we do. It wasn't a way of life, but rather a specific adaptation to a hopefully-temporary shift in conditions.
It's the only thing he did on day 1 because he didn't do any of the bullshit he promised on the campaign trail & to say we warned these imbeciles a million times is lowballing it
We’ve been Googling “how to survive a catastrophic cyberattack on United States banking and utilities systems” now that we’re, you know, not monitoring that kind of threat from Russia anymore.
The only thing we’ve come up with is to have cash and gasoline on hand. A fair amount of water, and the obvious food/toilet paper. My husband went super prepper when Russia first invaded Ukraine, assuming we were headed for WWIII, so we’re pretty well set. 😩
This is profoundly important for our American friends to read and understand. It probably won’t get any airtime in US news. Please share, for all our sakes.
I’ve been asking everyone about this!! Even my financial planner says “nothing major is on the horizon in the market, just a bit bumpy for awhile!!” ☹️
My 401k is dropping fast! Suggestions on what of these options are best for this scenario?
My advisor tried to convince me to ride it out. I had to call bs and tell him no. These advisors’ livelihood depends on us not panicking. It’s time to panic.
I wouldn’t put it past Trump to empty our accounts at the banks either.
2 So that you and your chickens don’t die of bird flu, they will be living in your basement or until nature is done having her way with us.
3….., 😂🤬
Mason jars
Large pots
Big freezers
Basically all legumes stretch meat well.
Hopefully I'm wrong.
These are dangerous times we are in.
It was completely unavoidable to the point that it was done on purpose.
PROTESTS - 50501
Tomorrow - March 4th
50 States - 1 Movement
Find your state, find your march, make your posters now!
Peaceful but LOUD!
Civil unrest in one month at most.
Because they are bent on destroying it.
Votes from your pocket book are better counted than from your polling station.
We are still in a two party/one oligarchy system. Status Quo D's will not help us.
What a time to be alive.
I mean a MAGA recession
My 401k is dropping fast! Suggestions on what of these options are best for this scenario?
It’s worse…
I use duckduckgo.
But that's just me 😊
So he hates Biden so much that he has to ruin it for us and the world 🌎
We have to be able to stop this madness