Wow. Marine LePen with sympathetic words for Ukraine
She is not siding with Trump.
All of them get unified against him.
('You' being your government, of course, not you personally or your many nice compatriots)
I’m sure it’ll be fine for us!
So she pretends to feel bad about it, but words are cheap, and if in power she'd turn back on the same dime and embrace red leader.
Non non toujours la même populiste qui retourne sa veste où va le vent. Rien de nouveau toujours soutien à Orban Bannon&Co.
Fin de son procès le 31 mars pour rappel 3,5M€ détournés du parlement européen😉
Wenn ich daran denke das heute der US Sondergesandte Kellogg bösartige Sätze gewählt hat die eher einem Faschisten gleichen, sind LePens Worte eine verrückte Wende im Zeitstrahl der Geschichte
Il faut se méfier d´elle.
She’s been outflanked
Empty words from an empty skin-suit.
Against them and the US.
They hate immigrants of colour.
Pure facism.
Please don't be fooled.
She is paid by Putin and a traitor
She will fake it to make it. Don't pretend LePen supports Ukraine when she never has.
Her only course of action is to move forward looking sane and try and keep her supporters onside until time comes to activate again
Are there any politicians that live in #Russia that are against, & are brave enough to say "the Russian invasion of Ukraine"
Just saying, a democratic leadership change in Russia, is how to end the #Russian #Ukraine #war.
Since February 27 to March 5, UNITED24 supporters on Bluesky have directly donated $13,664 towards armored evacuation vehicles — the best result among all U24 social media accounts.
This is the first time🦋takes the lead💙💛
Don't think this change from her is a coincidence...
Don't believe a word.
We have a bunch of scared theater kids in opposition in the US & it’s not great.
Can’t believe I’m saying this but at least she gets it.
She's a Pooty Lover.