Denmark lost 52 soldiers fighting alongside the US. Now they feel threatened by Trump
Think about that. If you go to another country, you’re likely to be treated the way Germans were treated after World War II.
Long live Denmark 🇩🇰
Semper Fi
Trump is as dangerous as Putin is.
If you watched his rallies,he was just showing up and spewing bs to entertain.
The only thing that animated him was $$$ “drill baby drill”. Ever since Jared got billions from the Saudis.
(In Jeopardy format)
What is 'Trump is an pants-shitting, draft-dodging ungrateful dick'?
Just check out the new defence plans in Europe. Things move fast now.
He means all ideals disappointed. Illusions destroyed.
I say: The fight is today - defend freedom NOW!
52 Soldiers !!
did we have a 'Victory Medal' ceremony for the families ?
Where was all this 'success' on the battlefield, one might wonder ?
Maybe we can organize a Victory Parade.
and it took 20 years to replace the old illiterate smelly Talibangs with a new set of illiterate smelly Talibangs.
well done, US Army, US Marine Corps and "other agencies" !!
...i guess we have to re-name the DoD -
of Help"
Canada stands with Denmark.
Game faces are on.
a sensible plan.