After Russia attacked Ukraine
-President Zelenskyy’s country stood as a barrier between Putin and all western democracies
-Providing aid to Ukraine boosted the US economy
-And Putin’s army has been devastated, greatly reducing his ability to hurt America
Has JD Vance said thank you once
-President Zelenskyy’s country stood as a barrier between Putin and all western democracies
-Providing aid to Ukraine boosted the US economy
-And Putin’s army has been devastated, greatly reducing his ability to hurt America
Has JD Vance said thank you once
He acted like Zelinsky's damn nanny in the Oval Office.
"Nanny Vance" !!!
Do not question…believe what they say…get your head out of the sand.
Scary stuff !!
you completely forgot other presidents have literally fought wars to defend America ?
🇺🇦🤝🇧🇪 Ukraine, count on us !
Trump has JD's balls.
Putin has Trump's balls.
f'er Vance "👇
Vance is a man who has embraced Evil and does his best to look, act, and talk like a demon.
Otherwise, STFU Vance.
Barry Goldwater
Accuracy in Media
Roger Ailes Fox
Louis Powell
The Heritage Society
Norquest Meetings
Bob Grant
Rush Limbaugh, also got married in Clarence Thomas‘s house
Russia interference
How they reach middle-aged men
What, you’re not wearing a suit?
What, you can’t say thank you?
Let’s rape and murder the Ukrainian people. Take their democracy.
President Volodymyr Zelensky
Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations
220 East 51st St.
NY, NY 10022
President Volodymyr Zelensky
Embassy of Ukraine
3350 M. St. NW
Washington DC 20007
Official Ukraine Donation Site
[email protected]
I’m ashamed and I’m not American.
I think the couch asked him the same question.
- to sell out U.S. security for your own job security.
- to blatantly lie on behalf of people you despise for your own career.
- to completely lose your principles.
- “Don’t be such a Rubio”
- “He sold out like a total Rubio”
He also has chicken legs.
Bless his heart.
Why is their tie always between their widespread legs?
Hope every server at the ski resort gets to spit in his stupid food
Richard: No, No, your face does.
He’s a big man when he’s on a couch.
“In all, about $68 billion of the $113 billion enacted (60 percent) would be spent in the United States, benefiting the armed forces and US industry.”
his wife and children. He is a thug just like his boss.
If he wants a thanks from me, he’ll get it if only he resigns.
Why is the current administration being tolerated? - clearly installed by election rigging with ruzzian help.
Seen it before in Georgia and Moldova, they tried it in France with Le Penn. Now interfering in Romania and Germany
Democracy can sometimes be too nice
The entire Republican Party slunk off into treasonous silence. Cowardly turncoats.
Since Friday night good people have donated more than $ 1,2 millions (52% from Americans) to Ukraine on President Zelenskyy’s United24 initiative which is an online platform to raise funds to support Ukraine’s fight for freedom and democracy.