Commerce Secretary Lutnick’s plan to detect Social Security fraud:
“The easiest to stop payments and listen, because whoever screams is the one stealing”
I guess the millions of Americans who need Social Security to pay for food and rent
Would just quietly stop eating and become homeless
“The easiest to stop payments and listen, because whoever screams is the one stealing”
I guess the millions of Americans who need Social Security to pay for food and rent
Would just quietly stop eating and become homeless
1 / 2
We won’t make them care. And they won’t stop because we want them to.
We have to obstruct, oppose, and engage in civil disobedience and non-violent civic protest.
He’s dropping nuggets of truth to prepare the American population for what is to come.
The fraudsters are the loudest? No the hungry and homeless are….
And we will all raise our voices for them.
Also, I think they have a certain *demographic* in mind for who would scream loudest. I have a feeling it's not going to be who they expect. It might end up being RED HATS thinking this admin won't come for them.
Local economies (landlords, stores, restaurants, & other businesses) also suffer when hospitals close, universities shut down research, millions of federal employees are out of work, and tourists cancel US travel.
He has probably never lived paycheck to paycheck in his life, or known anyone who has.
Let's bankrupt him too.
He knows these judges are our last line of defense, so he's using his power and money to rig another election. Please mobilize and spread awareness!
Wisconsin, let's vote and support Judge Crawford!
WE pay this! It's ours!
their atrocities are creative.
In the next four years this will happen again we’ll dub them Donaldvilles.
Just another average day in a country that now treats 90-year-olds like suspects in a sting operation.
Replying to Lutnick is one of those things.....
Cantor also has a stake in publicly traded financial services company BGC Group.
BGC later acquired the commercial real estate services business Newmark, which went public in 2017
“Don’t pay them hoppers. Whoever still holdin money on Friday is the one who’s stealin.”
I'm betting all of them.
I’ll be screaming, guess this con man will think I’m a fraudster.
Directly from the SS website. 👇
When financial institutions buy US Govt bonds, they call it investing.
When the SSTF buys US Govt bonds, they call it “fraud.”
I wonder why that is?
& If you're disabled you must have done something to deserve all that bad stuff. Maybe didn't pray enough. Yeah they need to pray more
Younger generations taking in older relatives will face increasing financial pressures.
Desperate people are more obedient & exploitable employees.
Monty Python couldn’t come up with anything more ridiculous.
Please share this as much as possible. We CAN and Must make a difference.
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But the SS Admin would sure as hell hear about it and pay me the money I was owed!
I'm tired of billionaires stealing from the poor because they can't get enough, and they think we're not enough.
At least I have more and more sources to cite when I tell people billionaires are not geniuses.
I’m done with these bastards.
(I do not love this)
Ergo Trump and Musk are the thieves.....
would quietly stop eating, stop taking their meds, and die