Roughly like 300,000 years until you can get hydrogen atoms, then you can make helium and from there the pie only takes like 400-500 million more years.
At least you didn't get the recipe from H. P. Lovecraft. You'd have to first create a blind idiot god named Azathoth to dream the universe into being, and then your pie would end up all non-Euclidian and horrifying.
I'm trying out the same one. Should be ready in about an epoch. Don't forget to take a break and step out of the heliosphere every century. I hear the the milky way's galaxyrise is beautiful this time of aeon.
you have to practice so that you can do each step in half the time of the previous step. as long as you can keep up with the infinitestimal times approaching zero you can complete them all in finite time!
Permit me to suggest that proper tweaking of the initial conditions of the newly created Universe ought to permit some...speeding up of the process. One simply needs to create a Universe that's akin to ours, but which has a different sense of *timing*, so everything just...happens faster.
My intuition tells me that this has something to do with *scale*, which complicates things. It would be awkward to make an apple pie in a Universe where, thanks to the local laws of physics, the dimensions of apples are measured in microns (relative to our sense of scale.)
ten eons my ass.
This is complicated.