In a call with Chuck Schumer, a half-dozen Democratic governors were "all but begging the minority leader to persuade Senate Democrats to block whatever they could."
Except the first two weeks of 2021 weren't spent strip mining the coffers and the staff at lightning speed so y'know semantics
Hand Tammy Duckworth the reins.
I don't understand why people believe they are the only possible person to do a particular job and fail to allow younger persons to develop in a role. If there was great wisdom in the Senate I might think differently, but is that the case?
The only thing rarer than wisdom in Congress is character.
Back when Montana used to be a populist state instead of a billionaire's state.
Before 1/20, I thought there were things going on behind the scenes. No longer. Now it feels as though we've been abandoned by most of the people we elected, due either to their own self-interest or their fear.
Methinks the same fate awaits Schumer… (doesn’t have to be AOC. But I’m just sayin’)
they could just say "no" to anything involving unanimous consent in the Senate... they only need *one* out of fifty to stand up and do so, and yet...