An inspirational tale for aspiring journalists.
Remember, if you're a sibling of the former Prime Minister, and close personal friends with the current editor of your favourite magazine, and his ex-wife, you too can achieve your childhood dream of becoming its columnist
Remember, if you're a sibling of the former Prime Minister, and close personal friends with the current editor of your favourite magazine, and his ex-wife, you too can achieve your childhood dream of becoming its columnist
a national newspaper if you marry the editor.
'interview' with Gideon Falter 👇
I’d like to think rachel might try her hand at inspirational quotes next 👍🏼
Joe to follow as sports editor
Dylan,thereafter, to write Pets’ Corner
Carrie to be the agony aunt
A perfect setup.
"Dear Heartbroken,
Please don't consider suicide just yet. First, try having a baby, and putting up some decent wallpaper. Not that tacky John Lewis stuff though."
Who funds your media, and why? (rhetorical question)
Does anyone take any notice of the spectator?
She's no journalist, she's a hanger on!
Not because we'll all be wealthy, of course.
It’s been quite a while now,
Vine ‘n’ Johnson JOURNALIST!
Roll on the last few years... oh dear.
Yes. Yes they are.
No actual talent or notable achievements or portfolio required.
Charlotte Owen had at least a couple of things on her CV before being promoted to the Lords.
Making tea...
Tidying up after Boris...
I may have made that up.
In other countries we describe a tight network of relations and friends controlling a countries media and politics as corrupt.
In the UK no-one sees it as anything but normal.
It's not very important, but keep an eye on it, as with the brother.
It's one of the two shows I just can't listen to; the other being Vanessa Feltz.
Hell, I can even stomach Nick Ferrari at times but those two take the biscuit.