Moot point - GQP MAGA Whackadoos would rather suffer and die under their deity and savior CONald Trump than live and even thrive educated and employed under a Democrat. FACT
I might have classified that under “sad fact” in 2016, but not this time. They’ll deserve it. Of course, when Trump’s policies inevitably hurt them, they’ll just look for someone else to blame. At this point, I’m all out of Sh**s To Give but I’ve got a truckload of I Told You Sos.
Yes, I will never forget the elderly lady in the South who voted for him and cried when he cut her Meals on Wheels
I felt incredibly sad for her as that was probably her only food source
Absolutely, wait till it sinks in that they want to cut Gov. safety net programs to give money to the rich. We warned them now they are about to find out.
I have those people throughout my family. I’m not going to shed a tear for them. If you vote for a fascist, you are definitely a fascist and should suffer the consequences of your support of fascism. I tell my family this. Trump has ripped apart my family. I can’t look at many of them the same again
Look at Kentucky, West Virginia , Louisiana, and Alabama. Consistently at the bottom for health, education, and happiness; but vote for the same GOP asshats every election. I wish you could say this may be a learning opportunity but some never learn.
Who’s sad about that? Not this Harris voter! I got the memo! I did my Black job! I understood consequences of my vote! Let them claw themselves out of the pit they dug! I’m going to hide all the shovels & watch!
I hesitate to find comfort in the fact that my privilege as a white, upper-middle class hetro male might shield me from the impacts of the MAGA. History reminds us: “First they came for the…”. But, coming for any American is by definition- NOT American.
It’s sad that it will hurt everyone who voted against him, especially marginalized groups. I’m not even slightly bothered that it will hurt MAGA. What little empathy I still had for them was burned out by rage on election night.
More than the trans people forced to detransition? More than same sex couples having their marriages outlawed? More than immigrant families being rounded up, separated, placed in camps before deportation and having their children “placed” with “good white Christian families in the U.S.?
And what hurts the rest of us is they'll never -- as in NEVER -- accept nor admit that he fucked them over and their lives are considerably worse. He could be caught on a hot mic cackling about the ignorant shitkickers who voted him in, and they'd all assume he's talking about someone else.
Well Trump could order all Liberals rounded up and sent to re-education camps like China has done with the Uighur people. He’s that sick in the head to do it.
I feel for seniors .. everyone on a fixed income...
Honestly, anyone raising kids.
Everyone with a chronic disease ..
ugh .. I cant even think about it 😭
All the people that voted for Trump because food prices were too high aren't going to like what happens if you deport the overwhelming majority of the labor that produces our food currently.
Shutting down the Dept of Education for starters. Rounding up migrants in farming communities. The list goes on. The entire Central Valley in CA is red and they will get crushed by MAGA policies.
Unfortunately, I believe the worst and longest lasting damage will be inflicted on America herself. Their policies threaten everything and everyone from the literal ground up.
Now they will find out what mass deportation cost them when they start paying double, triple and even quadruple for fresh produce
I felt incredibly sad for her as that was probably her only food source
Though I won't hold my breath.
He voted for trump because trump is ''good for business ''
He struggled to explain what will happen to his own business when he gets deported
GOP were policies killing their own supporters even before COVID.
Friends & family withdrawing participation.
I might pity them, but this is another form of natural selection at play. 🙄
The Kool aid guzzlers will continue to deny they were wrong and will just blame it on someone else
with my embittered little laugh
Honestly, anyone raising kids.
Everyone with a chronic disease ..
ugh .. I cant even think about it 😭
they won't care until they're hungry and homeless.
We save our money we look out for ourselves we take care of others that are affected. (Except people that voted for him fuck them).
We squeeze the shit out of the economy, make his voters lose everything they surely won't turn on him