Apparently, "we" do, unfortunately, he was elected by a slim plurality of voters. But, I do know what you mean, we, the moral minority, don't want him in the White House.
It’s a real affront to the Republic of Ireland. While the President and his henchmen are detaining and deporting God only know who, the President of the US invites a thuggish, rapey, coke head with questionable ties into the White House.
America has a long history of rapists throughout history . If there is one thing I learned about history was how messed up all the way up to modern today .
Because it's not Americans.
Lock them ALL up!
Department of Defense.
How about after they lose a fair trial, just put em in a 1st-world jail.
I'd think we were the baddies if we just sent folks out of America without a trial and into a foreign concentration camp to work as slaves.
Bravo for your post