I'm not going to get terrified of a thing that someone is planning to do once they get power. Because even if he gets to run, which I'm not sure is going to happen and will be in one year... I can't do shit to stop him, except give money according to the people I'm GIVING THE MONEY TO. Untrustworthy
One of the most important reasons Hillary lost is that there was so much tension over being yelled at that people were lying about who they were gonna vote for. They said they'd vote for Hillary when they were really voting for Trump. But now ppl will say they're voting and just not vote at all
So all you're encouraging is for us to be anxious and afraid and unable to take adequate action to either change other's votes (a thing you can't do, especially if it's a primary) or prevent any of the things that could make him come to power. Hillary didn't lose because we weren't afraid enough!!!
Despots employ terror, including torture and murder, along with surveillance and control to prevent attempts to overthrow. About 80% of patents issued in the US in 21st century have been for surveillance and control of human populations.
True, I think that we need to provide our friends, relatives information on what a fascist dictatorship means so that at least some understand what is at stake.
I've had to deal with shitlibs being like "but how is he gonna do that, isn't it illegal" like he's not on trial for doing illegal shit and not unopposed to doing illegal shit. It's annoying as hell.
And apologies for using the word "shitlib", I guess there should be a better phrase for "inadvertently helping fascism by wasting a vote/not voting/fence riding."
I tried talking. Everyone is instead adamant that voting for the Green Party or not voting at all is better. You assume I've not tried to talk shit out and explain amicably, and for that, you've made an ass out of yourself.
I thought "shitlib" refered to standard Democrats. And "leftists" meant "people who are threatening to vote green because Biden and Trump are basically the same".
Nah, I'm a leftist personally, and whatever you want to call the Green's official stance on Russia, it seems to favor right-wing oligarchs. I don't consider a pro-Putin vote to be anything close to left, no matter how green they are.
It’s crazy people aren’t listening to people like Jonathan Karl, as well as The academics and researchers who are trying to warn people that Trump is literally out in the open planning a totalitarian fascist dictatorship and will enact it day one. 
I think most people have no idea what a totalitarian fascist dictatorship means, such as imprisonment and death for a lot of people based on the whims of the despot. It may mean mass murder of people in the thousands-to-millions. It means no access to information other than what the despot allows.
Yeah, definitely not a great sign when Karl, who was basically created in a GOP propaganda lab (aka the Leadership Institute), is sounding the alarm about Republicans. That's how you know it's extreme.
So I read these things, and I'm genuinely terrified. What, beyond voting, do I do about it? Both in the now, and in the dysoptian hellscape should this come to pass?
I apologize ahead of time for my use of fancy words, but here goes, DUH! It’s not only what trump wants but what a whole lot of republicans have wanted for a long time. Even before trump in some form.
Rich people support trump because they think they can control him. Ask the oligarchs in Russia how well that worked out. If trump wants their money, he will take it and kill them and their families.
This is all really bad. I'm sure that, as a result, Democrats will do even less to earn the public's trust (and votes) as they believe (stupidly) that they will win solely on the basis of not being as bad as the other guy.
Otherwise we’re gutless cowards who deserve whatever we get anyway.
If they can scare you out of revolution, does your freedom *really* mean that much to you?
You are not better.
You are not entitled.
You are not helping.
Help or get out of the way.
But Trump got Dick Cheney to speak up after the election - which also fits your archetype.
Trump has led the GOP to subpar performance in 2018, 2020, and 2022 elections. he won't have a following left if he flubs it in 2024 again
I'd add the climate and international security to that list.
He's a fascist traitor.