"It's a bad idea to keep Trump off the ballot because he might respond by leading his supporters in a violent insurrection" seems more a statement of the problem than anything else.
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and it happened *because* he lost, which we only found out AFTER the election, thats how they work afterall, honestly glad his ineptitude has finally caught up to him, sure he was a good businessman in terms of capitalism I'll give him that, but everything else he was an absolute shithead with/for
Some say he wasn't all that good at business either - that his inheritance could have earned him as much if he'd simply let an investment ride the market rather than his 'deals.' In the end, he just made $$ off his name/fame/licensing. He's a weak bottom feeder for sure.
man that sounds almost too like a certain cretin who is the reason bluesky became a thing lmfao, god I hate the world sometimes cuz people just fucking suck outright, worst thing to happen to the globe honestly
He’ll be on the ballot of every red and purple state. People who have been looking for a solution to the problem outside of politics and political organizing have been wasting time & energy for 7 years now. There’s no grownup in the room. There’s no formal authority that can fix this for us.
When some deluded youngsters and/or lefties talk about 'revolution' it's met with smirks. But, with the far right, it's met with horror/panic. Is it bc they think only the latter group use guns?
no its because the mentally unstable fall in the right group, yknow, the kkk, trumpies, racists, people who take right to bear arms as meaning they get a full military armory per acre of land they own, people who drive their cars through a crowd of people cuz they look different or think differently
Or even giving criminals or ex-criminals after serving voting rights.
This discussion seems insane for people outside the US. Here in Germany people in prison can vote (of course they can!).
When the Founding Fathers met in Philadelphia to debate the Constitution which would more solidly form a new nation, the one guiding principle they all agreed on was that Donald Trump should be able to do crimes and never get punished.
Jefferson - "What's this about Donald Trump? Who is he?"
Washington - "Yes, you do have a point. I know not of such a man."
Franklin - "I know. I know, I know who he is. He was that Extra in Home Alone 2."
Anyone else sick of Trumps rage posts and his whining? Grown ass spray tanned 77 year old, who should have taken defeat like a Man, and gone down to Florida to golf the rest of his days. Instead here we are. A ripped apart country and an ongoing tirade of Bitching. And He did it ALL to himself.
“It would cross a bright red line for the health of our democracy if one of the major parties descended into authoritarian violence” continued the main character from Memento
Been there, some of them even baught the T shirt. Not enough people want to admit that there’s going to be violence from the right no matter the election’s result.
why do I feel like this is going to be the response next year no matter what happens or what the courts do? might be our last year of domestic tranquility for quite awhile
If there is going to be serious trouble with hardcore Trump people, there's no point in postponing or avoiding it by ducking the issue. The SC now in effect has to decide where lies the line between inciting a riot and inciting an insurrection.
Constitution doesn’t say “convicted” (as per legal councils on last night’s programs). Same as denying 17 year old or non natural born citizens on the ballot. But hell…that would apply to a reasonable court wouldn’t it?
Yeah there’s been “sovereignty” movements for years…wanting to give back the government to the Hawaiian kingdom…one REALLY big issue has always been the US military here.
We’re talking about the Eagles fans of politics, if they lose, they lash out and riot, if they win, they lash out and riot. Trying to appease them just gives you a lose-lose situation.
Seen a few takes like that but they also said this with each one of Trump's legal fails to stave off accountability and consequence. Trump himself has said as much and yet more reporters show up outside his trials than his cult mob ready to riot. Perhaps those ones are too in jail from Jan 6?
That's my theory. His followers who are most likely to fuck around are also the ones most likely to have already found out.
Plus they also know he doesn't give a damn about them, he didn't pardon them, left them out to dry. I seems not many of them are willing to repeat the adventure.
Exactly. The whole point of the rule of law and democracy is to take violence off the table as a means of gaining political power or achieving political goals. Today’s Republican Party regularly threatens and uses violence against its opponents to bolster its political power.
“It’s a bad idea to entertain the possibility of Trump losing the 2024 election due to the possibility he might lead his supporters in a violent insurrection so we are going to just say he won to avoid having our Police & Military having to choose between their duty & their friends.”
unfortunately society will never reflect this, as long as someone can have more power over the other, they'll take every advantage they can to keep said power, further proving they shouldn't be in power to begin with, but oh well, aint like anywhere else is better than this shithole of a system
"Violent insurrection" really worked out great last time.
Imagine being more backward than France wrt dealing with those who have "lost the mandate of heaven"
I admit it was my first thought, but my second thought was "He's going to incite violence regardless of how he loses, so we just need to prepare for that".
as opposed to?
I say again, "The problem with being the bigger man, is the smaller man gets away with everything."
This discussion seems insane for people outside the US. Here in Germany people in prison can vote (of course they can!).
Washington - "Yes, you do have a point. I know not of such a man."
Franklin - "I know. I know, I know who he is. He was that Extra in Home Alone 2."
There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.
There is nothing more or else to it, and there never has been, in any place or time."
(According to Mussolini: https://sjsu.edu/faculty/wooda/2B-HUM/Readings/The-Doctrine-of-Fascism.pdf
*freeze frame*
Yep, that's us. You're probably wondering how our democracy got here.
And every decision that goes in his favor is, likewise, a win for him.
The why the fuck do we have laws?!? This is a bullshit stance and again puts Trump “above the law”. Fuck that.
Sorry, I may have strong feelings about this. 😁
And if some fash cops and the Rascal Squad want to rumble, let them come. I'll take that Pepsi challenge.
Let me give folks a heads up here.
Much as I hate it, he hasn't been found guilty yet of anything apart from sex payments using campaign funding. That's it.
Yeah he'll be guilty of insurrection eventually but not yet. 😔
But nope SCOTUS will still overrule it. I'm predicting it. 😔
Another reason to keep his ass
out of the White House.
If that's not an alarm bell NOT to vote for this f**ker, I don't know what would be.
My bad. 😁
Wouldn't there have to be some kind of trial for the judge to make that ruling...?
Or not?
This is for sure?
Plus they also know he doesn't give a damn about them, he didn't pardon them, left them out to dry. I seems not many of them are willing to repeat the adventure.
And end with it.
No bending law for political benefits, however nobel they may look.
Each of us could and should request it, and try to explain to others why they should join the move in their own interests.
Imagine being more backward than France wrt dealing with those who have "lost the mandate of heaven"