Many health professionals are lining up against Trump's pick for health secretary. They say his anti-vaccine views could cost lives. Some of his supporters embrace his stance.
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Perhaps all felon trump’s picks for cabinet posts are unqualified by design. Their allegiance for him is their only qualification. That’s just what a dictator needs. Get rid of all the qualified personnel in government and replace them with lackeys. God help America!
He’s not a health professional in any capacity. He is not healthy. He is not qualified to perform blood pressure readings at CVS, let alone the duties of health secretary.
"Anti-vaccine views"? Why are they pointing out things that will gain him support among republicans, that his flat earther backers celebrate? We need to find things that would prove reprehensible, unacceptable to the right-wing. Has he rescued a puppy? Donated to a homeless shelter?
His grandfather was an isolationist and Nazi sympathizer who favored appeasing Hitler to keep us out of WWII. Fortunately, JFK & RFK apparently did not agree.
I am all for it. The more of those people who die before they can breed more St00pid people the better the country and the planet will be. So yes. By all means "do your own research", only please? Just die.
No need to bothsides any stories about RFK, Jr. His vaccine stance has literally killed people, and there is no legitimate other side about the safety and efficacy of vaccines.
Once you realize trump is there to destroy the USA, this doesn't seem that weird of a choice. Putin must be rubbing his mittens together like a cartoon cat.
Mental health professionals also insist on science and evidence-based treatments. The anti-science movement is gaslighting and manipulation. It’s for both profit and political gain.
Vaccines are not just for protecting ourselves and our families. They protect the people in our community who are unable to get certain vaccines; are too young to get vaccinated; have failed to respond to a vaccine; or might be particularly susceptible to serious diseases/complications.
We can't underestimate the importance of the victim narrative. A lot of the MAGA folks are not seated at the table they'd like, so create a narrative in which their specialness is a result of their victimization. Disease feeds into that by providing a very low entry bar.
No reason to believe the cowardly Republicans won’t cave to this appt. as with all the others. They’ve decimated the intelligence services are working on the judiciary. Health doesn’t have much of a chance.
Kennedy Jr doesn't have a degree in health and is not qualified to be a health secretary. Kennedy Jr. supporters are the same people who think Ivermectin is a cure-all. Only uneducated idiots would vote to confirm this man!
We got lucky COVID wasn't worse. In some ways, that only emboldened those afflicted with dunning-kruger. People really just don't understand how bad things can get.
Sight is a curse. Empathy is the only consolation...
I spend alot of time now, as a newly disabled guy who's life was literally ruined by long covid, trying to make people understand that some things are serious and should be taken seriously, even if they don't affect you directly.
Empathy seems sorely lacking these days. Also, I didn't mean to imply COVID wasn't terrible, it was. It's awful people deny even that simple truth. COVID could have been worse but it still harmed so many.
As someone with a chronic illness the prospect of this guy scares the crap put of me. I had to fight for 6y for a diagnosis and another 6 to get my life back. I can't and won't go back to life before. I've tried diet, exercise, lifestyle changes they work in conjunction with medication not alone.
For the MAGA folks in my town it's considered common knowledge that vaccines are dangerous. Maybe not all of them, but they should definitely be viewed with suspicion. In related news, we've recently had an outbreak of pertussis.
Kind of like Covid? I read a few months ago that the death stats are in on Covid. The overwhelming majority of deaths that occurred in the first year of the pandemic were in very RED counties. Sorry...but their choice...their death.
Unfortunately, that included a family member who was not MAGA who was just unfortunate enough to be recovering from 2 broken ankles in a nursing home rehab in a red state. So it wasn’t all their choice.
Do better NPR. Wtf is the line "some of his supporters embrace his stance". Some people also believe that lizard people walk the other. That doesn't mean we should give them a soapbox for their beliefs.
"Experts in health, mental health, and disease prevention oppose RFK becoming health secretary for his dangerous and evidence lacking stances on vaccines and other treatments."
NPR stop giving credence to conspiracy theorists. No person who understands evidence based practice supports him.
NO NPR- not equivalent. EXPERTS CALL HIM UNQUALIFIED. The scum that support him lack credible scientific backgrounds. This is sane washing and I expect more as a supporting member of public radio.
We didn’t take the jab because we knew it wasn’t safe. Lots of people that did have health problems because they had it. The ignorance of the left is beyond comprehension.
And I fully support you and your family not getting vaccinated against anything. Don't go to hospitals either, they'll install mind control chips while you're there.
Most of his supporters are morons with no science or medical background like him, who gives a shit what they think. Stop writing both sides headlines like this
If any dems vote to confirm him, I’m going to scream. They already should be sounding the alarm on the WHO / CDC debacle. Instead, dem leadership is quiet and capitulating.
… he will kill us all. Correct me if I’m wrong isn’t he an environmental lawyer? He should stick with what he know. Who died and made him “the Vaccine Czar”?
Exactly! And then they wonder why Vivek Ramaswamy called Americans mediocre. He went on to claim that “a culture that celebrates the prom queen over the math olympiad (sic) champ, or the jock over the valedictorian, will not produce the best engineers.”
From what we know about this guy, colloquially speaking, RFK jr is just fucking crazy! Would u want him to be your child's pediatrician, your own doctor, or even your dog's veterinarian? Why the hell should he be US health sec? Maybe he'll be okay in the job if he hit some heroin?
Somebody please bring up his 14 year heroin addiction and other health issues at his hearings. Isn’t it bad enough we now have a drunken rapist as head of DoD, and a racist, innocent dog killer as head of DHS?!
You can’t make this stuff up. I remember you had to be almost “perfect” to be in politics. Back in the day. No scandals in your past. Now days it doesn’t matter. Come one come all. Don’t have to be qualified for the position.
It still hard to believe (we know it’s real) a convicted felon in the White House. He’s deporting and pardoning felons. The founding fathers must be turning in their graves. It’s true anybody can grow up to be president.
Health professionals say he's dangerous. Some of his supporters embrace his stance. How is one to know which is right? At least we have both sides, because every story has two sides, and who are we to tell anyone they're mistaken?
They are already dismantling medical science programs and pulled us from the WHO. Now putting this idiot in charge, how is it and every other news organization isn't reporting that they are setting us up on purpose for a epidemic.
If these heath experts really cared why aren’t they so vocal bout how the food industry is slowly killing us with their preservatives and dyes. I hate to say this but at least this dimwit is doing what health experts should have been doing decades ago.
If he is confirmed, expect a brain drain in medical research to move outside the US. Since we are not in the WHO, information and medical advances wont be shared. Expect life expectancy drop in the next 5 to 10 years in the US.
I don’t understand the use of ‘could’ when we talk about serious issues like public health. His anti-public health policies WOULD cost lives. Policies have consequences and we need to treat it as such; this stuff isn’t abstract
Anyone who's heard him talk should be able to tell that he's a nutter. Doesn't understand a god damned thing. Probably sounds good to the rejects that cheer him on, though.
In case you don’t know, you can state facts without jeopardizing journalistic integrity. Like “will cost lives” - soft-pedaling for fascists DOES jeopardize your journalistic integrity.
Hot take: being an American should mean having the right to be a retard who gets themselves killed. If conservative Americans don’t want to get vaxxed then let them get wiped out. Nothing of value will have been lost.
The problem is that vaccines aren't just about protecting the individual. They also protect those around you. Also, the more unvaccinated individuals in a population, the longer a virus will stay active and mutate. Thus rendering the original vaccine less effective.
I’m all too aware of this point but at the end of the day people have rights and we can’t force anyone to get a vaccine. The only people who ended up suffering during the pandemic were those of us dumb enough to protect those who wouldn’t bother to reciprocate.
That’s the goal. Harm as many people, excuse me, members of the opposition as possible. Extract retribution. Burn it all down.
How has that protest vote turned out?
Your both siding of life and death issues is a factor. People used to be able to trust npr for facts and now you spin with the rest of the carnival media clowns. How gross.
The blood of dozens of Samoans is on this man's hands. If confirmed, we can expect the same kind of "wait and see what happens/maybe the vaccines caused the outbreak" thinking to stymie any response to health crises.
His idiocracy combined with that of the entire Shitler regime is absolutely going to cost lives. We know this from the Mango's first term. Put Worm Brain in that position and we're back to refer trucks filled with stiffs in short order.
Kennedy asserted that this ended his 14 years of heroin use, which he said had begun when he was 15.
But, yeah he's fully capable to be the US health secretary
We got a small taste during covid of what a moderately dangerous pandemic looks like.
I will never understand why people seem so intent on creating the variable environment that assures another, possibly worse.
I spend alot of time now, as a newly disabled guy who's life was literally ruined by long covid, trying to make people understand that some things are serious and should be taken seriously, even if they don't affect you directly.
The culture surrounding however, endlessly tells them how horrible that is and that they should mutilate themselves into emotional cripples.
I feel we can counter this with compassion.
NPR stop giving credence to conspiracy theorists. No person who understands evidence based practice supports him.
and the public
and ... YOU? or are ya'll nazi symps like the other media sources??
He is nutty.
A Lot Less Crazy Up Here... and a Lot Less Guns....
Stop fucking around.
How has that protest vote turned out?
Absolutely disgraceful that the dumbest Kennedy is in charge of anything.
The Dems, Republicans, the Media are afraid to push back.
77 million people who loved him have yet to suffer,
The wealthy, have nothing to worry about.
Funny how that works.
When it all breaks down, it will, who’s to blame?
Is that what we’ve become.
It’s not about me I don’t care
"Trump's pick for health secretary: the Temu version of Earthworm Jim, can't be trusted to not eat his own poop."
Short, factual, sweet.
Rise up against domestic enemies, traitors, and treasonous nazis.
You're free people!