Victoria Coates, former deputy national security adviser during the first Trump administration, wonders if NATO allies aren't falling short of U.S. expectations as President Trump seemingly embraces Russia.
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We believe a heritage foundation minion? Wow NPR, trying to fit into the fascist mold, very disappointing. Russian talking points and you fell hook, line and sinker.
The European Nations are not subjects of the King of self-worship.
Trump has fallen WAY SHORT of Americans' expectations. Or maybe Trump's failures are exactly what we should have expected - and many of us truly did. Time to expect more of the same manure covered by cake frosting & sold as cake.
The USA is becoming an isolated Russia simp.
Europe stands alone.
China will fill the void of world influencer.
How exactly is this not a rapid change to the world order?
The soft American interview style doesn't work with liars. Inskeep had ample opportunity to challenge misleading statements by an 'expert' whose only qual is a role in the felon's previous gov't. I get that NPR is on the chopping block, but if we can't do better than this, perhaps it should be.
Jesus christ! You too NPR? Seemingly? Glaringly is the word your looking for. Or passionately or unpatriotcally or cowardly or traitorously or embarrassingly etc etc etc. Truthful words matter more now than ever.
To an extent, I understand the anger and frustration of the posts below. Keep in mind though how much more objective NPR is than the Nazi news network, box News.
This could be true. It’s almost certain that Trump does not possess enough intelligence or intellect to understand what the world order is. How then could he want to uppend it?
I refuse to listen to anyone who was an appointee during Trump's first term, to hear their take. They had the poorest judgment and intentions to serve Trump. We all knew his true colors years ago.
I completely agree. Except of course, for the people like Bolton and a couple of chiefs of staff, secretaries of state and generals who quit and told the truth.
Has Ms. Coates ever thought that the reason the others only pay 2% or less could be because they actually are more efficient in their spending? We spend more because we spread our interests around and have bases in many places. The EU countries don't have to do that.
Never thought the USA would become the likes of "the axis powers", but Trump did warn that he was going to become a dictator if he won 2024, so can't be totally surprised...
And let’s face it, if Gaza was somehow empty, nethoo would fill it with troops and stick a flag in it so fast it would make your head swim. Most of the fighting between Israel and Palestine has now become just a war of conquest.
And I believe it is true that dump is now the same age as his father was when dementia rendered him incompetent. Why does he never lv the Oval Office? Why does he never go to the press room? If he didn’t go 2 work at all, he cd save the two hours of preparation on his hair, diaper, makeup & girdle
The most depressing part of adapting to the new administration is watching people abuse their education and the English language by trying to make it sound like the President is a strategic thinker and not a gutless narcissist wrecking the world for his own entertainment.
Trump gave a speech in 2016 talking about what kind of president Clinton would be. Like so much of what he says, his accusations actually apply to himself. Stupid, ignorant, a career criminal, a thief and cognitively impaired. Boy did we get lucky!
So is the idea here that if you go soft on fascism then they won't get rid of you? They're still going to get rid of you. Go down fighting for truth, not simpering for fascists.
How fucking dare you propagate this obvious fascist apologist shit! Shame on you NPR. Nato was not about stopping a war between France and Germany. NATO WAS LITERALLY FORMED TO COUNTER RUSSIAN AGGRESSION IN THE REGION.
I still believe NATO can go it alone, hopefully with Ukraine. And I don’t mean that Ukraine shd join now. Taking in an ally during a war is problematic. NATO cd beat Russia by itself now. This is thanks 2 Putin, being an arrogant thief who was hoping to distract his ppl from the billions he stole.
Very true. Back then it was the communist USSR led by Stalin. A man Putin wd lk 2 b as evil as, but never will b. Bob Hope did an add for NATO at the 40 or 50 year mark. He said “for blank years. We’ve had the good life and we’ve had NATO. “ or words to that effect. Who is dump to contradict Hope?
"Seemingly"? Trump's parroted and pushed every Russian talking point Putin's wanted him to. He had the US vote with Russia in the UN. Does Trump physically need to be seen with Putin's dick in his mouth to know "seemingly" doesn't cover Trump's subservience to Putin's Russia?
Trump administration says trump administration isn't breaking things. Heard this interview on the radio and was appalled by what Coates said. Steve didn't let her off completely, but could have pried more.
It is hard interview people who are only going to lie, and then lie, and then lie again. You pretty much have to wait till they angrily stormed off the set before you present the facts.
I'm done with all these news agencies and their overuse of the word "seemingly'. Unfollowed. Announcing my departure like an a**hole but I don't even care. ✈️
I certainly agree that they should not have done this post or interview. On the other hand, if we’re talking growing a spine, let’s start with Republicans in the house or Senate. How could a perfectly good party have gone off the rails into Nazi mania?
Excellent point! You have to keep wondering what it is that Putin has on Trump? Except for admitting that he’s ignorant or stupid or has committed actual crimes, he’s basically admitted everything else.
Trump has fallen WAY SHORT of Americans' expectations. Or maybe Trump's failures are exactly what we should have expected - and many of us truly did. Time to expect more of the same manure covered by cake frosting & sold as cake.
Europe stands alone.
China will fill the void of world influencer.
How exactly is this not a rapid change to the world order?
You’re better than this.
You’ve got a pretty short memory.
You’ve already been warned about using soft language when it comes to these fascist bastards.
Are you now a fascist propaganda arm of the United States government?
Please say that’s not so.
Next question
Went to DC to see if anyone else was outraged by the drama that's in the protestors, business as usual
Was she rubbing her chin while wondering if?
Stop normalizing this bullshit
“Why do you make me hurt you?”
Victim shaming your betrayed allies and aligning your country with the axis of fucking evil... that's another altogether.
What ls the point in amplifying the opinion of one of the racist, rapist gameshow host’s former lickspittle stooges?
Fixed it for you.
"Seemingly"? Trump's parroted and pushed every Russian talking point Putin's wanted him to. He had the US vote with Russia in the UN. Does Trump physically need to be seen with Putin's dick in his mouth to know "seemingly" doesn't cover Trump's subservience to Putin's Russia?