British Prime Minister Keir Starmer pledged more military aid, as well as the possibility of weapons and boots on the ground, to secure peace in Ukraine.
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We have no right to question Europe about skin in the game. They paid a much greater price in WW1 and 2 and the US picked the bones. Didn’t hear any Republicans complaining about how Churchill dressed at the White House.
Zelenskyy at least looked good, and put together. Musk looked like a goddamned teenager that spent the night before stoned, and had to half ass it into semi clean clothes to make it to grandpas birthday.
Thank you to the UK, this is how you welcome a leader fighting to preserve democracy in his country. Unlike Trump and Vance’s repulsive behavior which was a historic debacle. USA is no longer the leader of the free world bc of these buffoons.
Sir Kier is now writing his own chapter in the history books. Perhaps domestically not our greatest Prime Minister, but internationally following close upon the heels of Sir Winston, if not exceeding him.
#SirKier #SirWinston #Ukraine
As usual, the UK will send their people to a war to be slaughtered, while the US has a numbskull for a president. At some point the US will have to show up, once everyone is tired, & appear to be the winners.
If you watch BBC News, (which I’ve started to watch), you will see that the European leaders and Trudeau, etc., are marching forward to keep democracy alive and to keep Putin off their doorstep. Until dump is gone one way or the other, WINK WINK, they haven’t given up.
As an Aussie, I hope this leads to a large separation from the mafioso style of U.S. control over international affairs.
I love you Americans, fantastic people; but your government launched a coup against ours in the 70s that led to us being much poorer and more dependent on your country.
Please recognize too, that the conservative cancer that took over the US is rampant in Oz as well. If you guys don’t band together and push to cut it out of your country it will eventually come for you as well. This is NOT going to stop with the US if it’s not COMPLETELY STOPPED.
All of Europe needs to get in there and obliterate Putin. They may not have the US support right now but it will absolutely be back, one way or the other
Brits are willing to sacrifice their soldiers to prevent Russian world domination and save Democracy! The USA needs to step up and deploy its troops as well and, if they get slaughtered, reinstate the draft and send all of our men.
If England wants to trade mandatory service for citizenship my family will get our asses over there as soon as we can get travel documents. I'm an experienced ICU RN. Alternatively give me a gun & send me to die. If it gets my family out of this country I'll do anything King Prince Charles says.
Hopefully, Starmer and Zelensky realize that Ukraine was never going to receive a penny from America, as long as trump is in office. trump will NEVER offer any resistance to Putin. trump actually believes allowing Putin to keep Ukranian land that he brutally invaded is a "Peace Plan". insanity.
😐😫I’m reaching out with a heavy heart—my son Nidal’s health is deteriorating, and I cannot afford the treatment he needs. Please, any help you can offer will mean the world to us.
This is what Obama should have done back in 2014 when the Russian invasion first began. Instead of sanctions alone. In fairness the republicans would probably have obstructed this as they did everything Obama tried to do.
Boy, it must be a real shock to America that it isn't 1955 anymore and that Europe isn't wholly dependent on the USA for *gestures widely* most everything. Especially the big orange schmuck in the oval office who wishes really hard it was 1950 all over again, especially the racist and sexist stuff.
Starmer and Macron deserve great credit in showing leadership in response to the likely collapse of NATO and bringing European countries together in a unified way. Nice to have a German leader in Merz showing strong support and promising to lead in the rearming of Western Europe.
This from a nation that cant even supply enough bullets for its own army,europe should now give them 250 billion,not America that would be a Sin.Any country wanting 250B from America which must be borrrowed must sigh on the dotted line or they should get booted.
Admirable, but Starmer needs to understand Trump is actively working for the other side to undermine Zelenskyy. There will be no support from USA, in fact i imagine with the embargo lifted he could sell arms to Putin. The world just got even more dangerous again.
The europeans stand to gain by creating their own PLTR. Sorry dick head Karp. They will create their own Starlink and they will deepen their EU identity. Right wing Euros are begging to come to the US ...and Trump wants them here. America will get the worst of everything here.
With the demise of US leadership, under a influence of the current regime, it is critical that other nations pick up the slack to ensure Putin's Ukraine ambitions continue to be frustrated.
Trump cooperate? You realize that ego MF of a excuse of a President will only cooperate on his terms only. Cos he's the best President America has ever had (in his opinion)
More people need to put his in his place, and show the world how backwards MAGA really is to everyone else
I want someone to put the screws to Trump on it. He said he would 'end the war' day one. He's friends with Putin, he'll just end it. Instead we lose out on future sales of defense equipment, lose our relationships in Europe, and now Norwegians won't fuel our warships. Great job you fucking genius.
It’s time for all world leaders to STAND UP to tranny and bullying. All G7 countries need to commit troops, weapons what ever it takes to end this once and for all. send that little ugly fucker back to the kremlin with his tail between his legs, and.send Trump to Mara largo w/JD’s tail between his.
Impressive to see the leaders in Europe roll up their sleeves and develop a plan to help Ukraine in this drawn out war. On the other side of the pond the President is spending his time on the golf course as the Vice President is on a clandestine ski trip in Vermont. Shame on you America!
The actual situation is that the former Ukrainian President declined to sign an agreement to enter into the EU, choosing to strengthen Ukraine's ties To Russia.
Two years later the USA sends CIA operatives to build military bases on the Russian border. Thus what started the conflict.
If you're talking about Yanukovych, he was driven out of power in a popular uprising over his growing ties to Putin. He fled to Russia to be with his master. The people didn't want to be a Russian satellite, they wanted to join the EU.
I understand the desire for nonviolence but if you study Ghandi never requires weakness or surrender
You defend yourself without hate without wanting to have power over. But you do NOT allow yourself to be vanquished
Russia cannot be trusted and has already broken multiple agreements. Putin is an imperialist and is trying to build an empire.
In part because he has impoverished his own country thru oligarchy.
He illegally invaded a sovereign nation. What you are suggesting is akin to allowing a violent robber
I'm just saying that bloodshed isn't a path to peace. You can't have peace when taking lives or injuring other people... even if they are considered an enemy.
But by doing so, they are sacrificing lives. I just don't think that killing and shooting people or using explosives is the way to find or bring peace to this decade old confict.
Clearly the UK proves they can be trusted & they do have a moral compass. Trump & his boot licking VP by comparison are just a greedy pair of betrayers & traitors. Their little performance just illustrated what scum they are. Murdochs platforms just proved yet again that he’s lacking moral fibre 1/2
In fact all the “news” platforms owned by the new western oligarchs have proved themselves to be self seeking propaganda outlets for the greedy. Nothing in them to read all misinformation & biased.
Thank goodness 4 the Guardian. Will frm today donate & or purchase it 4 honesty & trustworthy news /3
We need to all get behind the Guardian, & boycott Murdoch, Bezos (media & Amazon), Zuckerberg & the like. We need to make Musk irrelevant & dump FB in droves. Misinformation is not free speech, fact checking doesn’t hurt free speech it stops the lies. The truth our strength & Ukraine our freedom ✊
I sometimes wonder how much of Iran's history the average American knows, even the recent history of the American coup which put a dictator into power and killed a democratically elected leader?
#Europe will do what it takes to make certain #Ukraine continues to exist... and to stop #Putin for wanting more.
In spite of the USA changing sides in the middle of the war...
Like a true narcissist psychopath, he will now claim he is sending“the biggest aid package”(which will be a lie, he will never send the money)to keep his base from thinking he’s a weak moron. Europe shouldn’t stop at Ukraine’s borders. Go all the way to Moscow. Get the records,end this permanently.
Amazing how Europe is rising up to replace the US as the protector of the peace from the likes of putin & those who believed that Europe would fold their tents to putin & other bullies like trump. Watch the fireworks from mar-lago & DC this week!
I’m going to go with all three. I’m guessing Epstein was ALWAYS a Russian asset, set SPECIFICALLY to gather pedophile evidence on many world powers. And you know what? I’d bet 100% if Putin took total control of the US, that information would suddenly “leak,” because Trump is no longer needed.
This might also be why Trump pulled the Tate pedos into Florida. Because giving these sex trafficking omega boys a break, it softens his MAGA base to child rape. Just in case.
Elon Musk, the richest man in the world. Calling a program that he'll never need (Social Security) a
"Ponzi scheme" after you've paid into most of your life. Should really fucking piss you off.
If the "leadership" within the US government can stop throwing tantrums and behave like a head of state, yeah, sure. But the chances of that happening are near to zero. The man's an incompetent, uneducated, ill-equipped, inexperience fraudster who acts like a mobster flailing for protection money
How dare you all blame Donald Jeremetrius Trump Sr, he is our King, our Lord and our SAVIOR. How is this his fault? I mean, Zelensky wore a black long sleeve shirt, he was just itching for this and you know it. Plus, Obama created Obama care, so hah. #MAGATS
Honest question -- seeing this described as an "emergency summit" and wondering if this was
- originally planned to have all of the countries present
- planned as a meeting between just Zelenskyy and Starmer and the other countries decided to join after the disastrous Oval Office meeting.
Glad they all got together and reaffirmed their resolve either way, but it's even more of a statement if it was planned as something smaller and the other leaders made space in their schedules to join in response to Trump.
UK/EU needs to stand with Ukraine. I'm an American and I can't even believe this shit is happening. I'm embarrassed. Trump is a thug. Period. And MAGA is either a bunch of fucktards that the US miltary rejected, or a bunch of rapists and pedophiles that somehow made their way into the US military.
Putin's genius is manipulating others and hiding weaknesses, but maybe punching those weaknesses might be fucking fatal and speak a lot louder than words. Could restrictions on long range weapons be lifted unilaterally?
it should just be to use whatever Putin uses-- proportional response. My hunch is Putin is running out of resources and that's why he's even considering negotiations. I bet if Europe can keep Ukraine in the fight until the end of the year, Putin will withdraw.
There are real negotiations to be had, and Putin and Trump are realists when they are looking at the business end of a proper punch in the face. Putin grovels to dictators when he has to and Trump hasn't mentioned Mexico since he realised he was in danger of having his balls handed to him
This is what one Democrat country does for another Democracy country, you ignorant Republicans and your insurrection felon leader not support dictators.
With U.S. leadership crumbling under Trump, the U.K. is stepping up where America should be. Starmer pledging more military aid & even troops shows what real commitment looks like. The free world can’t afford to sit back. Stay engaged. #Protests #StandWithUkraine
Let’s bring back the British Empire. The current western empire is currently being run Emperor Palpatine and his side kick Darth Musk. I’ll take Henry the 8th over that any old day
Seems more likely that Musk is beholden to China. This still hurts American hegemony, which China stands the most to gain from. If America won't protect a white country, South East Asia knows they won't protect them.
PM Starmer, “When a person tells you who they are believe them the first time” Trump has no intention of supporting Europe’s plan to help Ukraine. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Trump, Johnson and Graham trying to send $$$ to Russia. #SlavaUkraini 🇺🇦
For KY rep Barr who said there were be no invasion if Trump had been in office. Fucking Moron Barr. What does Putin have on Trump that he is able to control Trump. Barr you are a disgrace to KY and the USA. FUCK YOU FUCK YOUL.
#SirKier #SirWinston #Ukraine
Many Brits can't recognize a competent PM because they haven't seen one in their lifetime.
Hello WWIII.
The only problem is now all sides have nukes.
Also…. Please send assassins!!!!😩
I love you Americans, fantastic people; but your government launched a coup against ours in the 70s that led to us being much poorer and more dependent on your country.
Who knows !
Vladimir will be delighted.
This is important. Thank you Keir Starmer. Bless Zelensky/Ukraine forever!
More people need to put his in his place, and show the world how backwards MAGA really is to everyone else
Putin cannot be trusted and must be defeated.
Two years later the USA sends CIA operatives to build military bases on the Russian border. Thus what started the conflict.
Russia needs to withdraw as well. I just don't know what it would take to see that happen.
I understand the desire for nonviolence but if you study Ghandi never requires weakness or surrender
You defend yourself without hate without wanting to have power over. But you do NOT allow yourself to be vanquished
In part because he has impoverished his own country thru oligarchy.
He illegally invaded a sovereign nation. What you are suggesting is akin to allowing a violent robber
This has been an international conflict since 2014.
There was New York Times exposé by Adam Entous and Michael Schwirtz sheds light on major developments preceding the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
Thank goodness 4 the Guardian. Will frm today donate & or purchase it 4 honesty & trustworthy news /3
In spite of the USA changing sides in the middle of the war...
Give Trump and Putin a choice, either you're on the Bus or consequences.
Military be ready to disobey your first command by a Dictator who uses people to save his ass from Putin.
Pray this doesn't happen.
1. Nasty, perverted, pedophile sex tape.
2. Proof of money laundering and the claimed wealth is not his.
3. Proof of treason.
Putin has something nobody is that stupid and acts like trump does.
"Ponzi scheme" after you've paid into most of your life. Should really fucking piss you off.
Have you seen Threads?
- originally planned to have all of the countries present
- planned as a meeting between just Zelenskyy and Starmer and the other countries decided to join after the disastrous Oval Office meeting.
Oh, and Russia. Them too.
Anyone else?
These people have all fought and won before. Multiple times. Sometimes against each other.
The only thing Briton has to do is find and disable the Russian nukes. Which may not even work.
It's good he is acting more like Winston Churchill than Neville Chamberlain.
Putin's Comrade Johnson