The U.S. Department of Agriculture must temporarily reinstate more than 5,000 probationary employees fired since Feb. 13, according to a ruling by the Merit Systems Protection Board.
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Well seeing as how president business has already been ignoring court rulings and other cases that say hey this was illegal. We’ll see where this goes.
Media outlets need to give the public an understanding of some of the jobs that these employees do. A friend of mine who works in food science said that some of these employees worked in the USDA seed banks, which are critical for global food security.
I'm certain that the insecurity/unsteadiness created by this kind of BS is part of the plan. Make us incapable of being certain about anything and more likely to be controlled. 1984 was so right in so many ways. I wish these folks were able to say no.
If I was one of these 5,000 I would just show up tomorrow at my office with this in hand. You can sue for back wages while you work. Inconvenience the hell out of them the way they inconvenienced you!
No one seems to remember Trump gutted the FDA the first time, and the result was baby-food makers spent money on stock buy-backs instead of much needed equipment, resulting in food poisoning and infant deaths. You’d think people would remember, especially the so-called culture of life…
Trump blamed Biden for the Afghanistan pull out that he orchestrated while also releasing 5000 taliban fighters, at least one of which bombed a security checkpoint killing i believe 2 soldiers that Trump also blamed the deaths on Biden and Trump's base believes him over the facts.
That’s nice but let me know when they’ve been allowed back into their buildings and received back pay. WH has shown no interest in acknowledging, let alone abiding by, any of these rulings.
Any reversal to what is being done is a success-whether the staff return is up to them, however, if you have vested rights to a Federal pension and worked hard for it, that is difficult to throw away. It is in our best interest to hope that they return.
Talk about a hostile environment to work at the ones that weren’t fired whether right or wrong would be considered the red hat wearing kiss asses and those coming back full of angst for being fired in the first place. Sign me up
My husband was let go from his job recently (non-government). He’d probably come back if they asked, even if there was a good chance he’d be let go again in a couple months. Dealing with unemployment is really, really stressful.
He’d be looking for new employment at the same time though.
It’s almost like that should have never happened. It’s almost like there should be accountability and consequences for illegally dismantling institutions we rely on.
What, did they figure out that they fired the guys who pick the crops? Or did they deport those and need to replace them with the others who used to work in the department?
Perhaps they want to make all government workers “seasonal.” This is what my sister was at IRS starting in Nixon administration. They’d lay her off every few months “on furlough” then bring her back. They did this to prevent her from getting benefits.
Bush closed down her IRS center because…
Wouldn't have been my move. There are so many things that need money more and those employees could be rehired in different US department agencies so we're gonna reinstate the US Department of agriculture but not the men that works for the FBI for all their lives.
He fired everyone so he could put them thru a loyalty screening before rehiring them. When no one in the government pushes back against you, you can be King.
What i w9nder is who is enforcing all these judges orders trying to stop them. Having things go down un history as ilegal actions is commendable but who will actually STOP THEM?
You can’t order people to do a damn thing! What type of moronic behavior are we allow to happen. We have the wrong Whites the real Whites would have torn this bitch down! They really made you all docile with White Supremacy!
Question: Does someone NOT KNOW WHAT AGENCIES ARE CUT BEFORE THE AXE DROPS? KNOW what specific agencies do? WHAT impact the cuts would have? OR…does someone just NOT CARE? If one ONLY sees numbers and NOT faces, individuals, families, I guess it’s easy to do! It’s SIMPLY SHAMEFUL!
Hilarious. After Trump will effectively shut the Dept of Agriculture I expect him to impose some ridiculous tariffs on foods. Once the Americans start to starve he can blame Canada. He’s an evil genius!
“May the Declaration of Independence be to the world what I believe it to be, a signal to arouse men. Calling them to burst from their chains under which monkish ignorance & superstition have persuaded them to bind themselves, to assume the blessings & security of self-government.” Thomas Jefferson
Return "for 45 days"? Is this going to order the government to pay all their bills from when they were laid off and all future bills after that 45 days are up? If not, most of these people are already looking for/have other work. That's what happens when you fire someone.
Question 02: If not, what then?
Also, if they were "illegally fired" then shouldn't they be entitled to the pay that they lost when they were forced out?
Fuck Elon Musk. 🚫Tesla
He’d be looking for new employment at the same time though.
Bush closed down her IRS center because…
Nothing is ever what is seems with him.