The time change can be hard on our health. There are more car accidents, strokes and heart attacks this week. People eat more junk food and have more migraines. Here's why — plus tips to help you adapt.
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Fictitiously adjusting geometry of the earth to fit a desired wake up and light availability pattern is way more ridiculous than individually adjusting alarm clocks to suit wants. We don't just adjust the temperature readout on stoves because food should be cooked to 170 F for poultry.
Thx. I actually wasn’t tracking it this year & was caught by surprise
Maybe we should just compromise & set the time year-round on the half-hour (like India) between standard & DS time? It can’t ruin business with the rest of the world more than some of the other policies being enacted
Doesn't bother me too much except we are having chinese food for 5:30 (really 4:30) and I am not hungry yet....
Seriously I do like spring ahead way more than fall back, I feel so much better. If they keep it that way I am all for it!
I guess everyone needs to stop traveling across time zones then. If we can't handle changing time 2x per year how can we possibly survive going from the Midwest to Florida 🤷
Is there a study on the benefits from the extra hour of sleep when we return to standard time in the fall? Also, it’s not that there’s a time change. Toys that the time change costs us sleep. Spring ahead midday on Wednesday to solve that. 1/2
2/2 If you get rid of DST, ppl in my part of the country would have two more months of the year where it is dark when we get home from work. It’s a balance that serves the most ppl.
From the studies I’ve seen, the Monday after BOTH clock changes is a dangerous time to be on the road, because people’s circadian rhythms are disrupted.
“Daylight saving time is contrary to [100s] of thousands of years of human biology, as we evolved to wake with the sun, and go to sleep when it gets dark… It makes sense to me just to stick with that, rather than trying to monkey about with it,” he says.”
Americans are wusses.
Losing an hour's sleep one weekend a year?
Those who have a problem with this have never lived adult lives, have never had children.
People who are already fatigued now lose another hour of sleep. The depressed, the disabled, the overworked parent, etc. Being able to consider how things affect others, differently than yourself, is a necessary skill in life.
They are wusses. It is just ONE WEEKEND FFS!
Parents lose/gain sleep all year long and have schedules that have little to do with a clock.
Put on your big girl pants.
I am LITERALLY physically disabled and have a genetic collagen defect, not a wuss. Being a parent is a personal choice, if you want praise for that, then you’ll be waiting forever as a martyr. Is daylight savings time the hill you want to die on 🤨?
So, the tiny minority should be accomodated by the vast majority? Sorry, not in this country.
Daylight savings time is the best way to enjoy Summer with family and friends.
I suggest you simply keep one set of sleeping hours all year long.
Humans have been very adaptable for millions of years.
Do yo know why daylight savings time started? For the farmers. Are the farmers the majority of the population now? If you want to be selfish, just say that, don’t try to convince me I’m wrong for living differently than you.
I like to stop the changing of the clocks because it is stupid and a waste of time not because of the ridiculous claims of health issues. Daylight changes every single day by ~2 minutes so if I use your premise we should change our clocks 2 minutes every day to eliminate that risk.
SO happy to live in a place (Costa Rica) where we don't do that! It's still confusing where much of the rest of the world changes its clocks, but that's minor when compared to actually having to do it!
People who complain about daylight savings do not live in areas greatly affected by seasonal daylight. In Northern US dawn starts as early as 5:15 a.m. in the summer. It would be 4:15 a.m. if there were no daylight savings.
Nah, you're alright, my anorak catalogue has arrived, that's enough excitement for today. Thanks. But you knock yourself out. You might learn how DST works.
Standard time is logical: it aligns noon with solar noon, the midpoint of daylight. Business, event, and school hours are arbitrary. States can switch to permanent standard time without federal approval. Follow Hawaii and Arizona; adopt permanent standard time!
Permanent standard time is a better option since it aligns more closely with solar time & our natural circadian rhythms. The problem with teens in particular being adversely affected because they’re already getting up too early for the circadian rhythms of puberty. Permanent DST would make it worse
We cannot even legislate a change in this ridiculous policy, how do we expect our country to deal with the real problems we are facing? I thought trump would get rid of daylight savings and the penny, but alas.......................
Best way to adjust is end day savings. It doesn't help anyone but corporations to make us work longer hours. We lose sleep and bc of it our emotions grow with negativity.
I don’t know if there’s anyone else out there like me, but I literally wake up five minutes before the alarm—my internal clock is set, thus I’m literally out of sync for weeks… and so are my cats I might add.
I’m a DST apologist. I’m for status quo. I don’t want to have a 4:50 AM sunrise in the summer. I don’t want to have a 8:51 AM sunrise in the winter. The time change is annoying, but that’s not the part of it that matters. It’s those days around the solstices that you’re really doing the change for.
Go down to The Villages in Florida and ask all those senior citizens how they feel about the time change. I would bet they all love it. And, they are proof it won't kill you!
Trump and Musk just stole 320 million hours from Americans.
DO NOT expect them to give you those hours back in the fall.
They will keep those hours in a “strategic reserve,” maybe send your hours to Mars or something.
It's ridiculous, but it's just 1 hour! I don't understand why some people have difficulty with a 1 hour shift. Mind over matter (or in this case, over time).
The worst thing about it is listening to everyone complain about it.
We tried getting rid of it in the 70s and everyone HATED it. Nobody wants kids walking to school in the dark in winter, but in summer it’s crazy to waste daylight at 4:30am instead of enjoying it on our patios in the evening.
The problem in the 70’s was that they tried going to permanent DST and it was a disaster. What we need is permanent standard time and the people who want to get up an hour earlier can do that but leave the rest of us alone. It’s just weird having solar noon at 1pm. It’s disorienting.
Now watch it happen.
Maybe we should just compromise & set the time year-round on the half-hour (like India) between standard & DS time? It can’t ruin business with the rest of the world more than some of the other policies being enacted
Seriously I do like spring ahead way more than fall back, I feel so much better. If they keep it that way I am all for it!
It's already staying lighter later!!!
Daylight savings time needs to be completely done away with.
Unfortunately someone likes to golf late into the afternoons.
Go to bed when you are tired
Get up when you have to pee
“Daylight saving time is contrary to [100s] of thousands of years of human biology, as we evolved to wake with the sun, and go to sleep when it gets dark… It makes sense to me just to stick with that, rather than trying to monkey about with it,” he says.”
Losing an hour's sleep one weekend a year?
Those who have a problem with this have never lived adult lives, have never had children.
Parents lose/gain sleep all year long and have schedules that have little to do with a clock.
Put on your big girl pants.
Daylight savings time is the best way to enjoy Summer with family and friends.
I suggest you simply keep one set of sleeping hours all year long.
Humans have been very adaptable for millions of years.
Give me standard forever
You’re needed.
That’s the rest of your day sorted.
If u had kids u would understand daylight saving time
DO NOT expect them to give you those hours back in the fall.
They will keep those hours in a “strategic reserve,” maybe send your hours to Mars or something.
_(IST is the same as Central European Time ... but we're never there when they are ;)_
We tried getting rid of it in the 70s and everyone HATED it. Nobody wants kids walking to school in the dark in winter, but in summer it’s crazy to waste daylight at 4:30am instead of enjoying it on our patios in the evening.