The Trump administration is cracking down on colleges and universities whose behavior it finds objectionable.
He is coming for you next.
Both teach …
Truth - the enemy of lies
Education - the enemy of ignorance
Justice - the enemy of oppression
Science - the enemy of quackery
Reason - the enemy of conspiracy theories
Questions lead to knowledge.
Knowledge leads to opposition to injustice.
Dictators cannot tolerate questions because they know where it leads - resistance & defiance.
Wait…did you see all of the sec bids?
Fascist racist criminal president is harming our colleges!
How fucking dare you confer any legitimacy to trump's actions by any hint of suggesting that there's something wrong to have to crack down on. should look at the story that Trump is a *Russian asset* with the codename #Krasnov!
1/2 asked T's noms if Pres is Russian asset!
"I'm Asking Trump Nominees: Is Trump a Russian Asset?"
“What Else Could a Russian Asset Possibly Do?” - Closer to Edge
They aren’t cracking down, they are “illegally persecuting” universities with policies they don’t like. Say it.
Let's hope he doesn't start going after people like us who don't fall for his Cult of Personality.
Why isn’t the #DNC Senate meeting RIGHT NOW to #remove the #Judas; #chuckschumer TODAY?!?
Why isn’t the #cancer of the #BlueNAZI ten being excised?
Call NOW, pressure with donations & DEMAND removal!!
Every day #Schumer “leads” is a day tRump WINS!!
fuck this fascist
(Economist gift article)
American politics prompt some Chinese to explore historical taboos
America is dying every day before our eyes.
What a shame!
When Trump University
Taught fraud in Real Time
No one should be surprised. They are just doing what they have been saying they want to do for years.
According to NYT author David Enrich if the Right, or other large player, doesn’t like what you write- you could be sued to oblivion!
Please watch & repost👇🏼
Gargles in the rat race choir,
Bent out of shape from society’s pliers,
Cares not to come up any higher,
But rather, get you down in the hole
That he’s in"
Dylan, "It's alright, Ma"
Jesus fuck
Jesus fucking Christ with these posts making it sound like this shit is not vile an destructive facist bullshit.
Hold your horses I like Jews & Israel. I can't stand criminal BB who killed his own people instead of rescuing them from his friends, Hamas
He’s SCARED of EDUCATED people.