Hello James! Any chance we could see a JLI flashback anywhere in any media in the future? With the "BWAHAHAHA" and all?
(I'm a simple man with simple tastes)
That's a fantastic run! The first two years of that book includes some damn fine superhero action. Also recommended the Charlton/Steve Ditko Ted Kord, as well as the '80s Justice League International. OH, and the Blue and Gold miniseries written by Dan Jurgens.
My son and I enjoyed the film on Tuesday and we are always happy to see Len Wein’s name in acknowledgements and his characters (in this case, Carapax) brought to life. I can’t wait to see what you do next.
I hope we get to see the New Line Cinema logo in front of some future DC productions. They've always been a quality production company and have made some of my most favorite movies.
not new follower but this is the best post ive seen to reply i just watch gotg 3 and my partner and i cried multiple times thanks for a really awesome conclusion
Hey James. Playing catch-up on comics after not reading from the age of 12-43. Need some Supes recommendations. Haven’t dipped into him yet. Just got fully caught up on Saga in a couple of weeks and need something to read.
is that a flannel cut in half and stitched together with another flannel?
(cue 27 clickbait sites running an article about how gunn's shirt is a clue about the multiverse effects in the dcu, possibly about an adaptation of amalgam comics & marvel/dcu combo heroes like dark claw)
Good afternoon, James! Thank you for the making the most emotionally resonant and joyfully funny MCU trilogy & DCU television show I’ve had the pleasure of visually imbibing. Your work makes it better to be alive in these hard times 💖
Why did Safran call Batgirl unreleasable and bad for the DC brand? Feels more like Keaton was well received in the movie unlike in The Flash. You cut his scene from Aquaman 2 and then you cut his scene at the end of The Flash. Was Batgirl a tax write off to avoid making more Keaton Batman?
I remember this series. I was in the eighth or ninth grade of elementary school. It came in the DC 2000 magazine that I bought because of Starman and Grant Morrison's Animal Man.
It always makes me happy to see things like this that let me know I will be able to keep my house for a few more years. I love Viola Davis as Amanda Waller.
Originally, Checkmate was a US secret service dealing with metahumanity, on par with the CIA and FBI, iirc. In Morrison/Porter's JLA#1, a pair of Knights were seen protecting the POTUS upon the arrival of the Hyperclan. By the time Rucka did his version, it was a UN-sanctioned international agency.
Please ask Jim Lee about reprinting the classic Kupperberg Checkmate run some day. When you're not busy with movies and stuff. It is criminal that his work isn't more available.
Back from the Cinema. Loved Blue Beetle (but I admit I'm a huge Blue Beetle fan already) Family all enjoyed it too! Kudos to all involved on this film as it deserved the big screen experience. Also I can see exactly what you meant about Blue Beetle's future in the DCU on the screen. Fingers Crossed!
Hello James.
The dance scene between you and Sean at behind the scene was so lovely!🕺🕺
Feels much love there.🥰
And your Superman movie will be my very first Superman movie experience.
Looking forward to it!!
@jamesgunn.bsky.social, without violating whatever contractual agreements are in place around spoilers, how many other lead characters from marginalized communities will be getting their own DCU films in the next five years?
(I'm a simple man with simple tastes)
So hello to you too, Mr Gunn
You probably don't remember me but that's only because we've never met.
/waving frantically
(Whispers) “Is he giving out doughnuts, or pen-wipers in the shape of Wembley Stadium, or something…?”
(Is shushed by the more mature members)
(cue 27 clickbait sites running an article about how gunn's shirt is a clue about the multiverse effects in the dcu, possibly about an adaptation of amalgam comics & marvel/dcu combo heroes like dark claw)
Planetary & The Authority are two of my all time favourite titles featuring some of my all time favourite characters.
(A crazy part of me that thinks that a certain previous DCEU director would nail TA. Because TA is less subtext and more far more kicksplode text)
Also, any chance we could see Checkmate sooner rather than later in the DCU? I just love the concept and the look of Knights.
...I'm hinting that Amanda Waller needs her own show.
And it should be Checkmate.
Starting Viola Davis.
I'm also winking.
We understand each other now, I think.
Or rather, a SECRET SIX?
But I prefer the uniformed Knights from Kupperberg to Rucka's notion of each King and Queen having only one Knight/Bishop/Rook.
Actually laughed out loud.
Jokes like that formed my sense of humor as a child.
And (shoot your shot time) I'd love to do concept art for a DCU project at some point.
The dance scene between you and Sean at behind the scene was so lovely!🕺🕺
Feels much love there.🥰
And your Superman movie will be my very first Superman movie experience.
Looking forward to it!!
Really enjoyed Blue Beetle. I really do hope this iteration of the character moves to the new DCU.
Been a comics fan for over 40 years and was a huge fan of Jaime Reyes taking the BB mantle, a Latin hero for fans.
I know Angel Soto directed this, but I'm just telling the new boss so he gets a gold star.