We spent 3 months working on this. All in Alba's name.
We can feed 1250 street dogs a day now with the freshest and healthiest food.
What a legacy for Alba
We can feed 1250 street dogs a day now with the freshest and healthiest food.
What a legacy for Alba
Keep up the amazing work!
Thank you sir for all that you're doing !
Alba was a lil' angel & look what we did.
Then Niall came & did what he could. She was loved & not alone.
Bless you and your family of volunteers 🐾❤️
I am sorry for the stupid steps your government took to put you out of a job.
Send you love from 🇧🇪 ❤️! 😉👍🐶
Millions of tears shed.
Millions of tummies fed.
We Love You Alba.
His a fake leader
Email: https://asayinteriors.proton.me
His a fake leader
Email: https://asayinteriors.proton.me
Loads of love from 🇧🇪 💕😭
Thank you Niall & please remind yr team(s) that they are known about & loved all over the world!!!
Please thank them for us.🙏
Those little teeff, that sweet face…always, o my goodness 🥲 & the both of you as equals,looking out & contemplating togetherness, good fortune🙏& th mystery of it all.
“We spent 3 months working on this. All in Alba's name.
We can feed 1250 street dogs a day now with the freshest and healthiest food.
What a legacy for Alba”
But thank you for the feeding of 1250 dogs in her name. Well done!
I wasnt!
2 weeks of love
and she only thought of the love and shared her own
she was an inspiration
We humans are proud of you Niall.
Thank you again for the puppies sake and for the love we get to feel from seeing you wield love so beautifully.
Love this--what an incredible legacy to an amazing dog.
I believe the universe sends us angels in many different forms, but my favorite is when he send a dog to show us the way.
RIP Alba
Oh Niall, I am also so delighted you are on here as I missed you when I left the other place.
God bless you Alba, and run free. 🐾🌈
You’re a wonderful man Niall and you have a wonderful team.
Alba was a very special girl that captured the hearts of thousands. Such a gorgeous way to remember her