Something you have to realize about these people is: your life would be fine without them. Their lives are meaningless without you. And they know it.
Reposted from
Wagatwe Wanjuki
related: saddest shit I've ever seen
Translation: Our garbage is so lowest-common-denominator! We grabbed ALL the whiny desperate, bottom feeders!
Without us, they've got only their fellow shitty people to interact with.
No, we're going to give you healthcare and otherwise hope we never have to see you or think about you again. You're just nothing to us.
They got away with it because things were not written down and the stuff that was could be destroyed.
The internet is forever, and fascism doesn't last long because of its cruelty.
Consequences are coming.
There is a reason why they are always careful to put "official" in the execution numbers.
Ive been on troll block for 3 days- they are piling in
That's why being hateful back to them is so pointless & foolish - that attention is what they feed on to justify themselves.
Block-n-bot is much better.
First you block them, then you sick a Llama 3.2 driven AI bot onto their account to waste their time.
And I'm 100% on it if they deserve it.
100% troll
Without someone to belittle or mock, they have nothing.
And they can't stand that we can talk here and they can't flood the replies with their bullshit.
We left them behind.
Leave them there.