the collapse of google search as a useful source of accurate information is a boon to screenwriters everywhere. "why didn't they just google the house to see if it was haunted" they did and the top ten entries were identical automatically generated real estate ads on different seo-scumming websites
Why is house called house?
Why haunted houses matter.
How to make your house haunted.
10 famous haunted houses.
Best haunted house products (2024).
Like, clearly the "just Google" crowd have zero clue how or why someone would turn to a human being instead of a glorified ad machine.
Seriously I hate researching stuff on google now.
"do you mean [X]" to
"here's results for [X], search for [original query] instead" to
pulling results for [X] without a warning or prompt
intext:"thing you actually want to search for"
I have no clue why they decided this was a good design pattern - but for now it works.
For ["costal"] that worked fine for me with a definition at the top -- not sure why you got different.
you're not supposed to find anything valuable from there anymore, its function is to dumb you down
"costal" -costal
But that's annoying and also if you want to include pages with both words you're out of luck
You can't get the physical book version of Google
Yes, I know that there are other search engines, but at least Bing isn't trying to sell me things unless I ask it to.
I'm sure America has great interest in public services... *cough*
Things that have not happened.
I usually pass up all the sites that have the purple letters because it means I've already visited it
What is bookmarking