Congrats! My best friend got engaged yesterday and I’m so proud of her. Years ago I was a groomsman for my sister’s wedding, now I’m gonna be a bridesmaid. Life is fucking crazy sometimes.
Donations are so slow and it makes me so sad for my family 💔
But hope is not over yet! Even a small donation can make a big difference.
If you can't donate, you can support us by sharing this message please 🙏
Please don't forget our children😓💔
It's like when a place is a theatre in the US, you know it's fancy.
Or that cheese that's blue? Super fancy when it's bleue.
But seriously! Cong-lat-uratuons.
Gold stars for you Glen Coco!
Congrats on the wedding, btw! Here's to your friend!
But hope is not over yet! Even a small donation can make a big difference.
If you can't donate, you can support us by sharing this message please 🙏
Please don't forget our children😓💔