don't let a toddler peel the sides off a Cybertruck, they'll cut themselves on the ridiculous sharp exterior. Teach young children to participate in civic protest in a more age-appropriate way, like by throwing turds, or cyberbullying Elon Musk.
i dont think you should vandalise peoples cars, they will just return them to a tesla repair center and then elon ends up with even more money in his pockets
There is a little bit of beauty in advertising your product as being tanklike and then making it so unpopular that they are destroyed pretty easily, assuming they don’t explode or fall apart first
Made them bulletproof but certainly not pieces-of-the-car-spontaneously-falling-off proof. New planned obsolescence: your car just randomly blows up and you have to buy a new one.
WTF. Reading the article comments some people claim there IS an internal mechanical release. Except at least one of the victims was conscious & she couldn't open her door so...
Very cool that the doors and the windows won't yield to rescue efforts in a conflagration - totally worth the 200 price/earnings ratio!!!
They bend up to 15 degrees.
The are completely water proof.
cant survive the balmiest, most benign habitable planet in the entire known universe