These reptiles are believed to make up the Illuminati and can take on human forms. It seems like something that would be in a science-fiction movie, but 12 million Americans believe this conspiracy theory.
Why do we even bother giving these treasonous fucks attention? They're unpatriotic & unAmerican & should be deported to Russia since they seem to love Putin.
Everyone there has their own sense of counterbalance based on their hefty-ness/believability-ness or exemplary lying ability. It’s all signs of Oompa-Loompa syndrome.
With trump and his cult of idiots we at least know that if aliens came to earth, they would be saying.
These people have not evolved enough for us to communicate with.
I met someone 2 days ago who honestly thinks that t***p is a time traveler & is very smart, despite all the proof otherwise. She said that aliens exist & t***p is trying to protect the world. She says the rape thing and the traitor thing are insignificant. There's a "bigger picture" & he's our hero.
About a year ago, I saw one woman who loves trump say.
If Trump raped my daughter, I would still vote for him.
These are the people we have to put up with.
Trump is a douche nozzle
So I feel like they all stand as if someone put an air hose up the rear and pumped them up🤔. You really have to work hard at being this awkward and disgusting,simultaneously…
It’s like some evil mitochondrial parasite has invaded their bodies and is now fully in control bringing the destruction of mankind to make room for the coming AI invasion
If Trump were to stand upright, he would fall flat on his back from the weight in his depends and never be able to get up again... anyone wanna help push ?
It's the lifts in their heels. They are so tall and so rigid that they end up with this weird off-center of balance stance. I also have, with all the money and power none of them ever have well fitting clothes. Do they buy their suits from wish?
The 🍊🐍 stands like the leaning tower of 💩 because he wears lifts in his shoes to look taller. Complete with dictator shoulder pads, girdle, hair weave and orange caution makeup pull the look together in what modern day fashion moguls call a complete nightmare.
Just kidding but how they lift themselves is really ackward
These people have not evolved enough for us to communicate with.
I would bet someone from the Stone Age would be smarter than most of the Maga cult.
If Trump raped my daughter, I would still vote for him.
These are the people we have to put up with.
Trump is a douche nozzle
Guessing they got daddy issues
I think they need de programming.
It's a cult no doubt about it.
I live in a really red rural area. They are VERY Christian.
Same mentality
These are the same people who like to say, "God, Guns, and country"
Me on Trump: "...and how people can like this guy is, uh, that's a sickness actually."
Me on Trump: "...and how people can like this guy is, uh, that's a sickness actually."
Most will not get the joke but to those who know, it's hilarious.
the rapey orangutan is also wearing lifts.
the rest are mimicking the rapey orangutan because they know they won't get shit hurled at them