This will be a welcome change. My wallet will be tons thinner if I don't have to have all those $100s in it. (Seriously, who carries cash anyway. Furthermore, only formerly alive people are allowed on currency. Perhaps Rep. Wilson is projecting.)
You'd think a person in national politics would understand better and not eat the shit Felon 47 speed. I doubt inflation is due to Biden since it's fairly world wide... these idiots perform just to be noticed by Trump!
How many of his followers don't have $250 left after they pay rent/mortgage, utilities, food, car, gas, insurance, childcare? It's always the ignorant masses that find out too late that they've been had. It's 💔 that rational people will also pay the terrible price. Mod wealthy will have to watch.
A European politician coming up with this kind of nonsense would be out of a job at the next election if he did not have to resign due to overwhelming backlash. What is happening to the US???
Americans will gasp in disgust at how North Koreans literally obey their leader like a god, but will swoon over Trump’s (fairly successful) attempt at gaining the same kind of adoration by plastering his face and name on everything and I really hate that for us.
Agreed, I can not believe how quickly and easily the "alpha bros" and "2A to protect against a tyrannical government" turned into sycophants for that very government.
Man, this guys wife must be jealous of the boner Joe is sporting.
And tell me without saying that you don’t make cash transactions in the real world cuz no place is gonna want to deal with a bill that large.
My God…I really never knew that this many self-debasing, absolute limp noodles exist in America. Sure, seen a few ass kissers in my time but wow. When do they start erecting full statues and huge banners of that repulsive POS? Just castrate yourself dude b/c you’re already 90% there.
Lucky for us the people that live in his district have no real needs or concerns that need to be considered, fought for, & protected and can focus on the real priorities of our nation like a 250 dollar bill which would just be super handy.
With all the shit going on right now, this motherfucker is wasting his energy on THIS????
He is supposed to be a servant of the people, not an ass kissing servant of his king.
It will make it easier for drug dealers and crooks to transport money.
That’s why the US stopped printing 1,000 dollar bills.
Takes a big bag for a couple million in 100 dollar bills.
These corrupt fucks don't even realize how much it costs to cut plates for a new currency and print and they are claiming they are about saving money my ass.
Making South Carolina proud!
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image"
"Thou shall have no other gods before me"
"Thou shalt not steal"
"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor"
"Thou shalt not commit adultery"
Well we’re going to need higher numerical bills once he crashes our economy and drives the dollar into the dirt through high inflation. Get use to Benjamin’s to buy a dozen eggs.
Not a chance we will ever accept one of these at work as real currency. But very fitting that his administration gets rid of pennies and introduces a $250 bill. Dumping the poor and boosting the rich. Wow.
No violence for me. It wouldn't help anyway: Putin has other Marionette ready, but I guess there are people, who are dreaming to use another thing starting with "egg" in German:
They're cutting Medicaid but paying for bullshit like this and yet his supporters are still bending the knee? They deserve whatever they get. There isn't a punishment severe enough that I can wish upon this corrupt narcissistic creature and his minions.
First, that’s not a thing. Second, how does that impact my debit card? Third, if I’m poor because of Biden, I’m carrying around $250 bills?
Joe ‘The Blow’ Wilson is biggly
Living Presidents aren't eligible to be on US currency.
I loathe this shitty, moronic, cruel and vapid waste of space that is #Trump, so much.
How you Americans are still sane is beyond me.
Stunning move Republicans, really showing us you don’t know how the economy works! Bravo!
Nancy Macy and Joe Wilson, don't you have even one person you can send to Congress that isn't batshit crazy?
The only thing this is good for is to light fires with.
No self-awareness to be found.
And tell me without saying that you don’t make cash transactions in the real world cuz no place is gonna want to deal with a bill that large.
Its just another useless distraction.
Trump promised he would give billionaires BIG TAX CUTS.
That is his only goal besides taking his cut.
He's an easy read....
Pure gaslighting.
Pure waste of time, energy, effort and money.
Once again.
He is supposed to be a servant of the people, not an ass kissing servant of his king.
That’s why the US stopped printing 1,000 dollar bills.
Takes a big bag for a couple million in 100 dollar bills.
What the fuck are these wimps that people elected so afraid of?
He's a giant man-baby.
Someone grab him by the 14 strands of hair he has left and say "enough!"
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image"
"Thou shall have no other gods before me"
"Thou shalt not steal"
"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor"
"Thou shalt not commit adultery"
They claim to worship god?
Postage stamps are next.