I hope that the folks in Texas give Patrick the "Darwin Award" for this... (he looks like a good candidate for a severe case of m3@sle$). At his age, he may not pull through.
I feel lucky to be in Seattle though at the same time I realize that my votes don't mean much. Our governors have been good and consistently pro constitution, pro human rights, democracy etc. Same most of our reps
Distract, distract while your kids are sick and in danger that is all they know how to do couldn't govern were their live had to depend on it. They don't have to depend on it as the laws in place protect them from masses.
On behalf of plants 🪴 everywhere:
"Please don't do us wrong like that. We have a vibrant inner life which that specimen seems to lack.
Thanks for the water tho."
This is the inhumane monster who, during the height of covid, wanted to sacrifice our children and the elderly to save our economy. Texas loves their cruel, immoral, unethical politicians.
They elected Greg Abbott. 🤣😂🤣😂 Texas is full of stupid fucks!
It’s why Joe Rogan fits in so well! Only thing, since moving there, Traitor Rogan has created a false sense of intelligence.
Give the guy a break. He’s in a powerless role playing second seat to a genuine comic book villain and he has to figure out ways to get national headlines bc he fancies himself presidential timber and figures beef is his ticket to the Oval. Makes total sense. /s
This is what Republicans do distract their voters to culture war BS🤦🏿♀️ while they do nothing to make their lives better🤦🏿♀️they continue to give tax cuts to their rich buddies rinse and repeat all the country this is what Republicans do.
Republicans hav an uncanny ability to focus in on the most important issues the American people have. WE NEED:
Trump pos face on currency!
Trump name on holidays! We will say merry trump-mas for Xmas!
Carve his face on every edifice. A memory of this memorable time.
And F U if u dissent.
Just a thought... MAGA GOP voters act Christian voting for someone who openly said he was going to hurt people. #1, how is voting for someone saying they'll hurt others, Christian? #2, MAGA GOP voters didn't think the people he'd hurt would include them. Red flag, he did leave you in the desert!
Sure, in a world where most groceries are skyrocketing, I am sure its the most important subject to rename a steak, that a lot of Americans cant even afford anymore!
Texas truly has the dumbest republicans in office!
Please rebrand so people in blue states won't buy it accidentally. Same goes for Nebraska and other red states. Thank you for making it easier to boycott red state goods.
Folks in Texas, you paying attention? Your elected leaders are trying to name a steak after trump while you are deep in the middle of a deadly outbreak
Texas could be such a great state, IF we got all the ass-holes out of government!
We need more like Lloyd Doggett, who really cares!
@doggett.house.gov 🫶
They do love to focus on the burning issues of the times so they best represent their constituents and don’t waste their time. But I kinda wonder who can afford steak these days? Texas get some sort of hometown discount?
The Texas Strip sounds like a sex act performed on paunchy racist white dudes by their perpetually unsatisfied wives.
But it’s good to see Texas focusing on only the most important issues while their maternal mortality rate rises and their infrastructure continues to crumble.
“Molly Ivins is singular in her profession not only for her willingness to speak truth to power but for her use of humor to lampoon the self-seeking, the corrupt and the incompetent in positions of public trust.”
I have hated this guy from his days as a sports news reporter on local tv. I would be billionaire if I could buy him for what he’s worth and sell him for what he thinks he’s worth.
There are a couple of TX billionaires who have bought Dan Patrick, Failed Governor Abbott, and indicted TX AG Paxton, who is the worst of them! He wants Cornyn’s Senate seat! $$$
May as well eat venison.
Let’s work on some asinine issue while public schools are a joke
With Adolph Abbott and Field Marshal Paxton rounds out the 3 stooges of Texas
*see also "Texas Education Agency"
Just a thought.
At least for the 40 years I was born, raised & lived there...
"Please don't do us wrong like that. We have a vibrant inner life which that specimen seems to lack.
Thanks for the water tho."
Let put them in the compost bin
A Texas tough woman who knows how to slap republican men's feet off the coffee table.
It’s why Joe Rogan fits in so well! Only thing, since moving there, Traitor Rogan has created a false sense of intelligence.
So I propose something more simple: just pronounce it rube-ola ;-)
Trump pos face on currency!
Trump name on holidays! We will say merry trump-mas for Xmas!
Carve his face on every edifice. A memory of this memorable time.
And F U if u dissent.
Could we just make it a warning label instead?
Please, water board him instead. He'll look like an inflatable bloated pig.
Texas truly has the dumbest republicans in office!
Question: Does the headline say “homes” instead of “hones?”
I wish they WOULD secede.
We need more like Lloyd Doggett, who really cares!
@doggett.house.gov 🫶
I feel informed.
Penicillin shot STAT!
Instant follow back.
Also "owning the libs"
Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick - 0
Abbot is the face of fascism, Patrick is the asshole of fascism.
Dan Patrick, the carpetbagger, bankrupts bars, in Texas.
Two of Putin’s Russian opps 🇷🇺 cut from the same cloth.
I shan't be pawed, I will see myself out...
He looks like a grandpa himself, just saying 😏
But it’s good to see Texas focusing on only the most important issues while their maternal mortality rate rises and their infrastructure continues to crumble.
“The best way to get the sons of bitches is to make people laugh at them.”
“Molly Ivins is singular in her profession not only for her willingness to speak truth to power but for her use of humor to lampoon the self-seeking, the corrupt and the incompetent in positions of public trust.”
(She and Jimmy Breslin, sorely missed.)
And when republicans are mocking trans, "woke", poor, etc., I remember this:
"I only aim at the powerful. When satire is aimed at the powerless, it is not only cruel - it's vulgar." - Molly Ivins