The problem they haven't recognized yet is that the ones they want to hire are a minority in number and even more in applicable skill and experience. Are they going to drag them out of their parents basement to go work these jobs? Likely not.
All right, apart from guarantee the continued success of the human race...
What did diversity ever do for us?
I want to be a POE expert.
Elon, you can't be a POE expert, you only use other peoples talent.
From now on I want you to call me spin-zap.
It's my right as a CEO.
Being ‘politically correct’ means deciding issues not on the basis of the evidence or the merits, but on the basis of what group those involved belong to or what ideology they profess.
Of course in reality, a lot of companies dropped DEI and started a "completely unrelated" focus on "cultural fit" in the same month.
Saw it at two companies in three years. "Cultural fit" interviews are now a thing where the C suite has to do a "vibe check" on each hire.
Ugh. "Cultural fit" is how we got tech bros hiring more tech bros and rejecting women who make them feel uncomfortable by knowing more. How can anyone decide to go back to 1990s hiring methods?
How we wish that were true in every instance! Unfortunately it is not which is the reason why DEI exist. This country was built on racism....and it still exist!! Why do u think people are getting rid of our heritage? Think about it!!!
Without protections history has shown that even with equal qualifications people will be biased towards people who look like them. Given a stack of resumes anything with an "exotic" name usually gets rejected. So, no, people will end up hiring *less* qualified candidates because of their bias.
There were no quotas. Tell me you've never worked in a corporate job without telling me. You are backing a system that will *actively* hire more unqualified people just because they're white dudes.
If you think there were quotas then you're telling on yourself.
I am a hiring manager. What you are suggesting doesn't exist. They will track any trends in rejections, and make sure that hiring decisions are not refusing people based on a protected class because that can get them sued. They don't sit and say "well we need 32 people of x race"
DEI ensures that minority people of merit are not overlooked in favor of white men who are usually given preference in hiring. This backlash is happening because so many meritorious Black women rose to levels of prominence in their fields (under DEI) and threatened the status quo.
Oh, the training has already begun. You weren't allowed at the coronation, were you? Neither was I. And the boss of the "national" church building in DC isn't allowed to speak in her own workplace as an ambassador for Christ without fear of retribution. For starters.
Yeah, a lot of highly intelligent, well educated people are going to be out of a job because it will be given to some mediocre white dude. And the whole of society will be poorer.
Trump’s new hiring policy: Leadership positions to be filled exclusively by white men, and no criticism of royalty allowed. A step back in time or just business as usual?
The opposite of diversity is whites only.
The opposite of equity is bias.
The opposite of inclusion is segregation.
WOBS trainings?
It's an order !!!!
What did diversity ever do for us?
I want to be a POE expert.
Elon, you can't be a POE expert, you only use other peoples talent.
From now on I want you to call me spin-zap.
It's my right as a CEO.
Saw it at two companies in three years. "Cultural fit" interviews are now a thing where the C suite has to do a "vibe check" on each hire.
If you think there were quotas then you're telling on yourself.