Utrecht! I mean, Old Irish 1 assumes no prior knowledge. Though the question is for how long Celtic will remain here...
The language courses should be staying, though no longer in a complete Celtic BA... :dragon_sad:
Though we will keep fighting!
UCD, Maynooth, Belfast, Cambridge, Oxford, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, University of Wales Aberystwyth, University of Sydney, University St. Francis Xavier, Canada, Harvard, Northern Kentucky University Highland Heights, Kentucky, UC Berkeley, University of Texas, Austin. Alas no more Old Irish @ UCLA
U. Washington at Seattle and UCLA both had Old Irish for years. Neither do now, but both have super library collections. I studed at UCLA with Pat Ford and Nagy. Both left UCLA for Harvard, and now, no Celtic Studies ay UCLA. UC Berkley still going strong.
I was a student in Rennes in the Breton department when they closed the Welsh course (I was following the Modern Irish course) but there was nothing about medieval Celtic languages appart a general course by H.Bihan, but nothing about teaching the actual languages.
There is an introduction course to Old Irish in Brest, in the master L3C taught by Anna Matheson who is actually attached to the University of Tours: https://l3c.hypotheses.org
Sadly, expertise in languages (old and present) is eroding at high speed in France :(
It's certainly my plan to offer more Old Irish! At the moment, it can only be offered as an "additional Western Indo-European language," so it has to compete a bit for attention. This semester, I offered Continental Celtic, but with a healthy splash of Old Irish in the historical grammar classes. 🙂
I also found this: https://www.irishcentral.com/culture/education/the-definitive-list-of-irish-studies-programs-united-states-and-canada
Utrecht! I mean, Old Irish 1 assumes no prior knowledge. Though the question is for how long Celtic will remain here...
The language courses should be staying, though no longer in a complete Celtic BA... :dragon_sad:
Though we will keep fighting!
I was a student in Rennes in the Breton department when they closed the Welsh course (I was following the Modern Irish course) but there was nothing about medieval Celtic languages appart a general course by H.Bihan, but nothing about teaching the actual languages.
There is an introduction course to Old Irish in Brest, in the master L3C taught by Anna Matheson who is actually attached to the University of Tours:
Sadly, expertise in languages (old and present) is eroding at high speed in France :(
(Also Bonn and Marburg have Old Irish regularly, of course.)