It must be a matter of principle that russia does not decide whom shall be member of NATO… this should be with out saying but apparently not for the US…fire trump as the negotiator…
There were security guarantees given to Ukraine before when they gave up their nukes. Even Russia agreed to it. And then reneged big time. And the US stood by.
Weak kneed American administration led by a corrupted president who has been bought by a facist, in fact 2 facists...putin & musk
Slava Ukraine
Crimea is Ukraine 🇺🇦
Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 ♥️ ❤️
Guaranteed by Trump from the beginning. Fake peace. Question has been how much?
"All" seems at least a possibility. If not in international law then in reality. Like it was back in the USSR.
We had security guarantees before, those ended up equating to nothing as we see. Trump's cronies are so concerned with honoring security guarantees they even deleted the documents from the white house website.
In your dreams you fascist POS. The way things are going you and the rest of your fascist including the POS you call president will be out on your butts in six months.
Give them NATO or a treaty bound protection from the US. How many time do we need to play these games where people die and we inch close to open warfare???
Ukraine should demand, that all weapons, they gave up at the Budapest Memorandum should be given back, and Ukraine should once again become a nuclear state
There will be no territory loss as Europe will move in and Trump's US has no business making "deals" that are not for them to make. Ukraine is leading here and Europe will support them. And if Ukraine wants, Europe should help defending Ukraine. US and Russia will only tear Ukraine down.
Trump is doing the work of Putin and neither can be trusted. My Ukrainian flag is proudly flying from my deck. I am also a proud American and consider Trump an international war criminal. Slava Ukraine
Ukraine gave up nuclear weapons in 1994 in exchange for economic compensation and assurances from Russia, the U.S., and U.K., to respect Ukrainian independence and sovereignty. How'd that work out? NATO troops permanently stationed in Ukraine, is the only guarantee that Russia will respect.
What a bad strategy, those territories were stolen from the people of Ukraine. They shed their blood and souls to protect their country. Putin will just be encouraged and continue its invasion at a later stage.
Can't imagine that Ukraine has given this Maga sycophant a mandate to negotiate for them. Just spreading propaganda for his boss Krasnov. Ignore. 💙💛👍🇸🇪
Never concesiones for terrorist federation till this💩territory will be disintegrated and rat putler executed in the Central Square of Kyiv, hunged up... Unite we are stronger.. Slava Ukraini!!!
Don’t cave in to Trump and Putin! Don’t let Russia keep and then fortify those Ukrainian lands of Crimea and Donbas! Once they get them Ukraine will never get them back. Fuck Trump and Putin! Russia is economically and militarily collapsing. All it would take is a second front and they’d be done.
NATO without the US makes for a plausible defense of UKR, and makes membership more practical. Trump is worse than useless. He's NATO's internal enemy and he's a Russian asset. He'll destroy NATO from the inside. The rest of the alliance should expel him and the US, and go it alone.
There is no international law according to which the surrender of occupied lands can be internationally recognised. Such statement itself is essentially criminal, politically irresponsible and is evidence of spreading pro-Russian narratives.
Yes, all that, but also - "real". That implies admission that reality is criminal, politically irresponsible, pro-russian. And it implies also that any attempt to challenge that, to change that reality- may lead to the ww3. Fuck it. This is blackmail.
I have a better proposal. Putin likes to claim that his illegal war is a matter of national security, so instead, Russia shall lose territory in exchange for security guarantees.
The US shouldn't be anywhere near peace negotiations. Trump is the antithesis of Midas. Everything he touches turns to lead.
Slava Ukraine
Crimea is Ukraine 🇺🇦
Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 ♥️ ❤️
"All" seems at least a possibility. If not in international law then in reality. Like it was back in the USSR.
Do not give #putin an inch of #Ukraine.
That’s a synonym for “surrender”…. Or again like everything trump touches “dies”. #ETTD
As if Ukraine needs the US to lose land.
The only place that your daughter can pound on the door for help & is received with:
"Sure, c'mon in."
Right after they insist on 'copping a feel.'
Just Say USA Kompromatted Krasnov...and his White Baby Jesus Minions...
Texas and Florida are cesspools,... cesspools that are a stain on Ameria,... cesspools that ol' Vladdy would feel right at home in. Let's do it.
to losing territories in exchanges for the same "garantees"
Slava Ukraini.
look at how stupid NATO is behaving, letting the orange turd and putin run the world