I found this site last night - it’s interactive! You can input information about what you felt, what you heard, and your overall experience with what you experienced. Fun!
Yup. Last night around 10:13 pm.
Richter scale: 3.9
Depth: 9.5 miles
The epicenter was Burbank (part of Los Angeles)
(I live in Burbank--since the quake was literally over house, we didn't feel much).
There's another live one Global Quake. It gives a noise for various types with pings etc. Swings the globe around a bit to the latest ones! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvtygG4n6ew
The difference being that on BlueSky, everyone wants to know since it could be a potential disaster, and on X, everyone is hoping it falls into the ocean. (we'll they're NOT the brightest bulb in the string)...
Yes, but for how long? Has elon and his pimple faced team fired all the employees yet? If you don’t speak English that site won’t help now either😢
I agree with you. I have this link bookmarked to check, never relied on social media for quake info when I lived in San Diego.
How long until they start firing people and ultimately shut down the USGS? They have monitors and seismographs all over the world. I'm certain Musk and Trump doesn't even realise the importance of that agency.
On Twitter the first responses would be that earthquakes:
* don’t exist
* that wasn’t an earthquake
* Russian earthquakes are better
* mumble mumble big seismology
Because on X a bunch of bots, trolls and loons would cry that it was some sort of alien conspiracy shaking the ground with a huge invisible laser because...... Biden or Harris or something daft...
I’m disappointed in my friend who was playing video games with us through it (he lives in la) and let us stay ignorant on the other side of the country.
But it really isn’t a very good platform. If you can’t read the messages I can’t read anybody’s messages. I’m still learning the platform. Can anyone help me?
Look at their profile, read their bio. Any suspicions raised? Block. If you're not sure, look at what, if anything they've posted, then check their replies. Anything dodgy, block.
Yeah because my name is sexually ambiguous ( I mean ,we know how much French peasant women lived a good uprising ) I get lots of boobies sex bot follows.
How is it over there in twitterland? I haven’t been there since being in Twitter prison for calling out some republican for saying something horrendous. That was back in 2020!
Oh, it was a minor shake! Anything under 4 is minor. It was 3.92. When it hits the high 4 or esp into 5 magnitude, start ducking. Then start cleaning up the mess.
Oh, so this will be where we learn there was a hurricane, tornado, earthquake or tidal wave. Without NOAA we need alternatives. Now, on insurance…move far from the Gulf. Might not save you, but better than being on the Gulf 🤷♀️ Tip, the name change won’t save you 👀
Google search is also fast. Wait what? What is Twitter #XitterNOW ban that 💩
also I heard:
There will be both great earthquakes, famines, pestilences.
There will also be fearful sights and great signs from heaven. The antichrist has risen and insists that fracking is cool and climate is fake news.
Well you can get that information on X too, after navigating through 18 far right posts, 7 propaganda pieces straight from St. Petersburg, 12 crypto scam ads and 6 porn bots.
xwitter is such a craphole, honest to God. It takes so much work to filter out all the fascist garbage to find the tiny trickle of worthwhile content lost in all that sludge. It would be so much easier if their ToS let you filter it all through an LLM first.
We’ve done everything we can, but we still need a little help to keep going. If you’re able to contribute, even just a little, your kindness will bring us hope when we need it most☹️☹️
I still visit X occasionally. All you have to do is whisper 'Trump/Musk/Putin sucks" and then the magahats and incels get all freaked out and it's just like you poked an giant anthill. Cruel I know, but fascinating.
Given the very simple algorithm for the following feed, just coincidence, but a coincidence that requires sufficient “earthquake??” commentary (I’ve only seen three earthquake posts but these two did turn up right next to each other).
We just had a (very) small earthquake in the San Fernando Valley, a little NE of North Hollywood, CA. Apparently a 3.9, but it was right under us so we all felt/heard a loud BOOM, and a little shake. You experience may differ. 😁
Oh, I’m in Australia, earthquakes are rare here and we certainly didn’t feel that one. But I’m from New Zealand, where we get them a lot more, so can appreciate what it’s like.
Northridge alumna. Glad we now live in a city with no quake-capable faults running under it. If we feel things shake it was generally the Bay Area or Reno/Sierras.
In SF, my top platform is my butt, and when it jiggles, or like a car impact, jolts the whole world with an almighty whack, I know before any of those other platforms.
Also I feel weirdly possessive of our earthquake and wish people would stop saying it happened in BC or Victoria, it happened in the San Juans... I may need therapy if I'm this attention hungry.
Hahaha, well relax a little, because it's all we're talking about this morning in the office. Being in Seattle, I want to go hide away from potential liquefaction zones. 🫠
The only things I know about Orcas island is that it makes a stellar foreground when taking photos of Mount Baker from Sidney, What Remains Of Edith Finch is set there, and now this earthquake.
Considering Xitter is mostly legacy accounts or trolls of MAGA types, Elmos personal platform or Putin's Internet Research Council not a huge lift. The little I glance at it, it is truly worthless in terms of being a forum of an exchange of ideas. What is the point anyone remaining on it?
Xcretion (formerly Twitter) is a fascist Elmo Hitler vanity project. He psycho-babbles about free speech but bans those who criticize him. He turned a 44 billion dollar property into an 8 billion one. Tesla vehicle sales and stock prices are plummeting. Everything he touches turns to shit.
Figures, I'm going there in a few days. Hope everyone there is ok and there wasn't damage. I swear, everything keeps telling me not to go there—between the fires, all the plane crashes, and now earthquakes. But I'm not letting it stop me.
earthquakes are still posted on Twitter it’s just that the reason for the quake will have something to do with how Calif politicians spend tax revenue .. botox in Hollywood and of course..transgenderism
With the possibility of tornadoes over not through Texas and Oklahoma, I need to follow more weather people on Bluesky since so many meteorologist were fired
Best thing about it!
Richter scale: 3.9
Depth: 9.5 miles
The epicenter was Burbank (part of Los Angeles)
(I live in Burbank--since the quake was literally over house, we didn't feel much).
But, there's still this...
I agree with you. I have this link bookmarked to check, never relied on social media for quake info when I lived in San Diego.
* don’t exist
* that wasn’t an earthquake
* Russian earthquakes are better
* mumble mumble big seismology
You can catch crabs on there.
The resistance movement is nice too!
Thank you.
On behalf of screwed flying public
Or maybe that was the cat jumping up on the bed.
Truth and facts matter-they just do.
also I heard:
There will be both great earthquakes, famines, pestilences.
There will also be fearful sights and great signs from heaven. The antichrist has risen and insists that fracking is cool and climate is fake news.
This is what I use.
But will you know if it's true unless you check on Bluesky?
We got you covered.
I have family in Burbank
it’s dystopian over there, and dark
Then checked the earthquake app and nothing. Just realized that I had it set to a 4.0 minimum and it was a 3.9
I'm glad to see so many former Twitter people on Bluesky.
That's usually my go to place to check any quakes.
He's a piece of shit.
Also, fuck twitter.
It woke me up last night and I checked in w Jon Cryer on BS, and then I went back to sleep.